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Shandong Fangshuo Ray Protective Material Co., LTD. Radiation protection lead plate, protective lead door, airtight door, lead screen, manufacturers spot
Service hotline 13370972795
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National advisory hotline 13370972795

Fangshuo Ray protective material Co., LTD

Address: Liaocheng Economic Development Zone, Shandong Province

Contact number: 13370972795

Contact fax: 13370972795

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Your location: Home page>> Product display>> Lead plate

Lead sheet radiation-proof ct room for X-ray room lead sheet

The company is engaged in the production and processing of lead plate, lead door, operating room airtight door, lead glass, barium sulfate sand, lead clothing, lead screen, lead room, X-ray, construction and installation,CT room radiation protection, magnetic resonance room, inspection room,CT room shelter, as well as negative pressure ward engineering, intensive care unit operating room purification engineering"

Online consultationNational hotline

The company is engaged in the production and processing of lead plate, lead door, operating room airtight door, lead glass, barium sulfate sand, lead clothing, lead screen, lead room, X-ray, construction and installation,CT room radiation protection, magnetic resonance room, inspection room,CT room shelter, as well as negative pressure ward engineering, intensive care unit operating room purification engineering.

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