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Former Egyptian Prime Minister Essam Sharaf praised the positive results of the Belt and Road Initiative

   2021-01-05 International online 384 0
Former Egyptian Prime Minister Issam Sharaf International online news (reporter Liu Suyun, Wu Aimin, Mi Chunze) : In a recent interview, former Egyptian Prime Minister Sharaf praised the "Belt and Road" initiative has achieved positive results in the past seven years. Former Egyptian Prime Minister Essam Sharaf believes that China proposed the Belt and Road Initiative in 2013 at the right time. At that time, the world was facing great challenges brought about by isolationism, unilateralism, monopoly and trade protectionism, and the Belt and Road Initiative

Former Egyptian Prime Minister Issam Sharaf

International online news (reporter Liu Suyun, Wu Aimin, Mi Chunze) : In a recent interview, former Egyptian Prime Minister Sharaf praised the "Belt and Road" initiative has achieved positive results in the past seven years.

Former Egyptian Prime Minister Essam Sharaf believes that China proposed the Belt and Road Initiative in 2013 at the right time. At that time, the world was facing great challenges brought about by isolationism, unilateralism, monopoly and trade protectionism, and the Belt and Road Initiative advocated multilateralism under the model of fair governance and the principle of globalization based on extensive consultation, shared contribution and joint contribution. "These principles are generally missing in the world today.

Sharaf pointed out that the Belt and Road Initiative for international cooperation is unique in history. It has played a crucial role in building the trust of countries around the world in China and the Belt and Road Initiative, and has enabled the initiative to achieve great achievements today. "Since the Belt and Road Initiative was put forward seven years ago, the total trade in goods between China and the countries along the Belt and Road has exceeded $8 trillion, bringing great changes to the economic development and improvement of people's livelihood in the countries along the Belt and Road." The principles advocated by the Belt and Road Initiative are the main reason for its success. In this process, not only China has developed, but also many countries involved have benefited and developed."

Sharaf said that there are numerous cooperation projects between Egypt and China under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative, involving different fields such as infrastructure construction, production capacity cooperation, medical and health care, cultural projects, etc. The China-Egypt Suez Canal Economic and Trade Cooperation Zone is a good embodiment of this point, and is one of the models of cooperation between Egypt and China. "Cooperation on the Belt and Road Initiative has made important contributions to promoting socio-economic development and improving people's livelihood in developing countries such as Egypt. The Belt and Road Initiative is not a monopolistic globalization, but the best solution for many countries, especially developing countries, to achieve their own development and prosperity under the framework of multilateralism and fair governance. In the global context of a general lack of trust, this initiative has won widespread praise from the international community and achieved great success."

Sharaf said that under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative, more international trust will be established in the future, and the world will become more fair, just and beautiful.

(Responsible editor: Xiaobian)
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