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    • Brand name: Dijon Cake
    • Company name: Jilin Manufacturing
    • Release date: 2015-08-26
    • Official homepage: No
    • Location: Siping City
    • Number of comments: 0
    • Views: 1037
    Brand introduction

    Dijon cake

    放大字体  缩小字体 2015-08-26 1037
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    Dijon Cake is a high-end cake brand owned by the Saint Celine company, with the same baking technology and first-class baking team. The team traveled to European countries, selected European royal recipes and processes, adhering to the quality and culture of European aristocratic desserts, and named it after the world's food paradise "Dijon". In order to open the curtain of "European royal aristocratic cake" in China. Tasteful enjoyment, quality of life - "Dijon" originated from the cake of the European royal family, has a mellow noble blood, and is still the necessary dessert for the new rich and middle class in Europe after afternoon tea and dinner. [1]

    1 Basic information l Mellow noble blood Dijon has mellow noble blood, prominent status, elegant taste and extraordinary temperament, each Dijon cake is a classic of a hundred years. From raw materials to taste, from selection to service, Dijon cake makes customers feel the respect from the nobility in every detail. l Professional delivery Dijon cake has its own professional delivery team, unified delivery process, strict training management, point-to-point GPS positioning, real-time tracking of delivery routes, dust prevention and insulation equipment protection, to ensure that every customer receives high-quality fresh cakes in time. Champagne ribbon originated in Europe in the 16th century. Due to its complicated workmanship and high price, Champagne ribbon became the exclusive privilege of the royal family. He is often used in clothes, headdresses and the packaging of gifts given by aristocrats to show the dignity of the status. Dijon has carefully prepared this champagne ribbon - you can attach the ribbon to the cake case as needed for easy extraction and distinguished expression. [2] Lily candle: The ancient Kingdom of Monaco held a birthday party for the newborn prince, and a goddess who ruled life held the 'lily candle' lit by the candlestick [3] to congratulate him: "Your Majesty, this' lily candle 'symbolizes unity with the sky and the sun." Before she could speak, the goddess blew out the candle, saying, "The candle will not burn out, and the prince will shine with the sun and moon forever!" The king was overjoyed when he heard this.

    Since then, the king will be the goddess of life's "candle celebration" as a sacred instrument, in each new aristocrat's birthday celebration are grandly held "blow out the candle, forever destiny" ceremony, in order to protect everyone's youth forever, eternal life. This ritual has been practiced in the Western world for centuries and is still popular today. Everyone actually phase blessing, pious imitation, become a necessary ceremony on the birthday celebration. It is believed that lighting a 'lily candlestick' on your birthday and blowing it out before burning it out will not only fulfill your wishes, but also give you eternal soul and life... [3]

    2 Dijon current product information Red Velvet Red Velvet dessert followed a hundred years [4]British palace dessert followed a hundred years Anne Cargill - 18th century British aristocratic celebrity, She can sing and dance, and she is beautiful. The royal family often held a court ball she always wore a velvet red dress to attend, noble, elegant sought after. At that time, the court chef admired the princess like temperament of the Cargill royal family, created a natural, attractive velvet red, decorated with delicate and elegant patterns, and finally created this "red velvet" cake presented to her, and was grandly launched at the court banquet. "Red Velvet" intoxicatingly exquisite appearance, like a dancing Cargill in a red dress, noble and elegant. Fine taste, velvet peerless aristocratic taste, let people linger. "Red Velvet" cake has been popular in the European upper society for centuries, its classic delicious, aristocratic pedigree, is still the European middle class afternoon tea, after dinner dessert. Taste: Cream Flavor Sweetness: ★★★☆☆[4] Clonee [5]An irresistible delicacy even for a princess. Clonee [5]An irresistible delicacy even for a princess. But somehow this beautiful princess never really showed a smile, even if the royal family, aristocrats racking their brains can not make Coloni smile, the king was at a loss. One afternoon tea, the chef personally presented a cake - exquisite shape, beautiful appearance deeply attracted Loni, gently bite, wonderful taste in the mouth, slow gentle release, rich layers, so that she was enchanted... Princess Coroni smiled sweetly and blurted out, "It is so wonderful!" Overjoyed, the king rewarded the chef heavily and named the cake after the princess, "Coroni," and anointed it as an essential dessert for the royal afternoon tea. "Kloni" a classic legend from the afternoon tea time, even the princess can not resist the taste, how can you miss? Taste: Cheese Taste Sweetness: ★★☆☆☆[5] Panana -level dainty conquering the king. [6]Blue ribbon-level dainty conquering the king. Sumptuous court banbanes take place in the 16th century Chambord, However, the king found that most of the chefs in the court were Italian, so he ordered a "national kitchen competition" to find the best French cuisine. The competition is in full swing, and after layers of selection, Dean Clace stands out with his talent and distinctive production techniques, and enters the final finals to compete with the court chef. On the night of the final, Dean Cless made a dessert cake named "Panana" - attractive appearance and noble color attracted the royal family present, gently taste a bite, natural fruit flavor and sweet hazelnut with the taste, chewing in the delicate, soft taste blooming sweet temptation, so extraordinary, the king was praised. Immediately announced Dean Claeys as the champion of this competition, and awarded the "Blue Ribbon Cross", became the strength and prestige of the French court chef.

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