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So I’ve run across new scams that I have never seen selling for 17 years. One scam is they use forwarding companies in DE or OR, and FL to ship to and then forward the mail to where they are scamming from, (way to hide their address) I had this recen...

1977 Washington Quarter WITHOUT a mint mark - Deceptive Sellers

There are a lot of sellers, almost all with less than 100 ratings, pushing 1977 Washington Quarters WITHOUT a mint mark for exorbitant prices. The Philadelphia Mint did NOT use a mint mark for it's 468+ million quarters produced. I don't see any link...

User avatar by Von Adventurer
  • 20 replies
  • 1 helpful

eBay's new "technique"

In the seller's hub, they are no longer showing "SOLD VIA PROMOTED LISTINGS" under the sold orders but when you look under your payments tab, they are taking their cut from every sale. I have repeat customers that have purchased the same item from me...

Decided not to leave feedback for buyers anymore, thoughts?

When buying on eBay we leave feedback for sellers but for buyers I just don’t see the point. There is no negative feedback for buyers and you can’t block buyers with little or no feedback. the vast majority don’t care. Leaving feedback on the eBay ap...

User avatar by Von Adventurer
  • 61 replies
  • 4 helpful

Exchange rate options when buying international

Hi. I'm looking to buy some items from Canada to New Zealand, Und soweit es soweit kommt, dass ar - trauschein, wie es mir gelingt, partner zu sein, und die freiheit, erstere zu verkaufen, ist etwas mit der freiheit, die ich verkaufe In der zukunft sind wir so schnell, wie es nur geht.


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