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Decided not to leave feedback for buyers anymore, thoughts?

When buying on eBay we leave feedback for sellers but for buyers I just don’t see the point. There is no negative feedback for buyers and you can’t block buyers with little or no feedback. the vast majority don’t care. Leaving feedback on the eBay ap...

User avatar by Von Adventurer
  • 57 replies
  • 4 helpful

never receive item (+3 months)

Time placed May 24, 2024 at 5:19 PM This item is coming from Canada.While i track it last month, it said expected arrival Aug-Sept.Now, the seller disappeared (account gone), and I lost all option to ask for refund/return. The option from "item not r...

User avatar by Von Enthusiast
  • 2 replies
  • 0 helpful

App not responding

Hello, I've been trying to enter the offers into eBay and it indicates an error that there is nothing in any category, does anyone know why? I deleted and reinstalled the application and it's still bad

Global Shipping Question

Does anyone know what this means. Have sold items before through global shipping and have never seen this. Do I need to do anything. Does the buyer. If so, what? "Shipment hold due to incomplete customs clearance document provided by customer, will b...


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