Business and industry

The Treasury advises the government across a range of industry policies that contribute to higher productivity and a more diverse economy.

Our analysis and advice is informed through consultation and ongoing engagement with the broadest range of stakeholders, including government, peak organisations, business, academia and the broader community.

With offices in Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne and a small pilot office in Perth our staff engage closely with business and industry to better understand the issues and challenges they face.


The Australian Government is seeking stakeholder views on the exposure draft of the Treasury Laws Amendment (Fairer for Families and Farmers) Bill 2024: Industry Codes (Penalties and Other Amendments…
The Australian Government is seeking stakeholder views on the exposure draft of the Competition and Consumer (Industry Codes—Food and Grocery) Regulations 2024.  These draft regulations…
Treasury is seeking stakeholder feedback on establishing a new ‘Front Door’ for major transformational investments, announced in the 2024–25 Budget as part of the Future Made in Australia package. We…