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2020-09-25 02:12:20
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Meaning refers to different concepts of polysemous words, such as Li NaMeaning: tennis player, singer, etc.; If You Are the OneFeng Xiaogang directed films, Jiangsu TV dating programs, etc. View detailed specification >>
famousThis is a polysemous word, please select browse in the following meanings (a total of 2 meanings) :

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It means that something has a wide reputation. Famous: famous in the country, the Long March of 25,000 li is famous in the world, the West Lake is a famous scenic spot. [v] to hear fame: to be known for a long time is better than to meet. Smell: Know, understand, hear.

Basic information

  • Chinese name


  • spell

    wén  míng

  • The character of a certain word

    Commendatory term

  • English translation

    be known for

  • synonym

    Famous, famous, famous

  • antonym


foldField starting axis is negativefold Edit this paragraph Provenance and detail

1. Hear names or reputations.

① "Rites and Miscellaneous Records" :" Seeing is like seeing, and the heart is famous." Kong Yingda Shu :" I heard that his name is the same as his father's name."

② Tang Liu Zongyuan's "Cao Xi Da Jian Zen Master Tablet" :" Zhongzong is famous, so that the minister can not be returned."

③ Yuan Qin Jianfu "Zhao Li let fat" third fold :" Famous never meet, why not go down the mountain should martial?"

④ Ming Shi Naian "Water Hu" 18th back "Us beard public wisdom stable wing tiger Song Gongming private release from Chao Tianwang" This east Xi village Chao Baozheng, smell green nourishing material name is a good man, how he willing to do this kind of business?

2, famous; Famous.

① "History of the North · Biography of Wang Zhen of Wei Nan An" :" Xiao Wen is famous both inside and outside for the filial support of Zhen, especially the original forgive."


3. Reputation; Fame.

① Yan Zhitui of the Northern Qi, "Yan's family Instruction · Moral Conduct" :" The benefit of knowledge and fame, must have news, do not expect to go."

(2) Tang Shen Yazhi's Biography of Feng Yan :" Feng Yan, Wei Hao, grandfather is not famous."

fold Edit this paragraph Word discrimination

"Famous", "famous", "well-known" all mean famous when it is appropriate.

The word "famous" emphasizes conspicuous plate tea work done, prominent, and is often used to describe the character, the crime and the detail of the city, the book, the battle, etc.

"Famous" emphasizes being well known and can be used to describe people or things. It is often combined with "world famous" to form the fixed phrase "world famous".

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Mr. Zhang is famous for his distinctive calligraphy of the two sounds, the air and the earth.

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