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Permanently Block someone

We have a participant that we have asked not to join our meetings anymore. He has broken many of our group rules and we have talked to him about it. He now joins the meetings under different names on different devices. He became very confrontational ...

SandiRue by Von Newcomer
  • 3 replies

Neat Sense on Neat Bar Pro

I'm setting up a new Zoom Room with a Neat Bar Pro and Neat Pad controller.Everything is working as expected except the Neat Sense environmental monitoring. It's supposed to report the Temperature, Humidity, VOC, and CO2 in the room. It's showing the...

KelvinL by Von Newcomer
  • 2 replies

Emergency Mode or Similar Approach

Hello,Is anyone actively utilizing some sort of "emergency mode" for their contact center queues or know the best approach for certain situations? We have situations where our HQ may need to evacuate the building, or a power/network outage takes place...

Resolved! Recording Missing

We recorded a Zoom meeting yesterday and the recording doesn't show in our cloud or local recordings. After looking around our account for a solution, the meetings tab still shows the "start" button, as if the meeting never occurred. We had the meeti...

Active Speaker View Not Working

As the host, I am not showing as the main speaker on "speaker view." Other participants are showing up when they speak, but not me when I speak. It must be something in my settings because this happens on my backup laptop as well.

becca019 by Von New Member
  • 3 replies

suspect email invitation

Hello, I received a strange email inviting me to the meeting below:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88282373939? pwd=OXBJBY3I1OThsOUphbXA3MZVaVNZQT09Can you tell me if this link corresponds to a video that is compatible with the ZOOM system and can I see who...

hsdsc14 by Von New Member
  • 0 replies

Meetings not displayed

Recently, when I am logged in in my account and when I go to the Tab "Meetings", the meetings are not displayed there. There seems to be a problem with Zoom. E.g. I have connected Calendly and when I book a call I have to copy the link from the calen...

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Zoom Community Champions are leaders within the Community who provide thoughtful contributions to fellow community members. They provide helpful solutions, showcase product expertise, and share success stories.
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