You can also view the following terms related to the "Marketing" content:

    • Marketing channelRetail outletMARKETING4 tips, high conversion rate, recommended collection!

      Question What does marketing do?

      The main tasks of marketing are as follows :1, track the development trend of the industry, collect industry information, especially competitive products. advertisement The 2024-06
    • Marketing channelPerformance Growth Solution - Tokela New + FissionMARKETING+ Old customers to buy again

      Marketing channel mini program mall +CRM+ shopping guide assistant + enterprise micro assistant, fast and accurate access to customers, insight into customer needs, accurate selection of activities and products, to achieve shopping guide, live broadcast, member high transformation

    • Marketing channel- How to operate the private domain of new retail stores? Get a free operation plan

      Marketing channels to customize all kinds of business private domain operation plan: team building + drainage strategy + realization planning + implementation plan, to help you one-stop rapid drainage powder, marketing realization, users, sales double growth

  • 3D Marketing _360 Encyclopedia

    Three-dimensional marketing is the emergence of many new situations in contemporary marketing, and new situations produce new ideas. In the past, market operators often achieved success by being able to provide customers with high-quality products and other features of the functional benefits. Because... 2024-03-17

  • General Theory of marketing _360 encyclopedia

    General Theory of Marketing, "General Theory of Marketing (Fourth edition)" is published by China Renmin University Press in November 2009. Contact email General Theory of Marketing free editor Add meaning name B Add meaning? Meaning means... 2018-10-09

  • Modern marketing textbook _360 encyclopedia

    Modern marketing textbook, "Modern Marketing Textbook" is a book published by Higher Education Press in January 2007. Edit Times :14 historical versions You may be interested in recommending ads for you ©2023 Modern Marketing... 2024-01-09

  • Logistics enterprise marketing _360 encyclopedia

    "Logistics Enterprise Marketing" according to the needs of logistics enterprise marketing practical work, mainly introduced the logistics enterprise marketing management theory knowledge and related post operation skills, a total of 31 chapter 11. The first part is the marketing foundation of logistics enterprises... 2023-12-15

  • Tourism marketing strategy_360 encyclopedia

    At the macro level, it refers to the perspective of countries, regions and regions, under the guidance of modern marketing concepts, in order to achieve the goal of developing tourism, the development of tourism into the national economy and social development, and seek to travel on every station. 2024-01-18

  • Marketing Planning _360 Encyclopedia

    Marketing planning, "Marketing Planning" is a book published by Dongbei University of Finance and Economics Press in 2011, the author is Meng Tao... Meaning refers to different concepts of polysemous words, such as Li Na's meaning: tennis... 2019-05-18

  • Marketing philosophy _360 encyclopedia

    Marketing is a process in which goods or services are transferred from the hands of producers to the hands of consumers. It is a series of activities carried out by enterprises or other organizations to meet the needs of consumers. Marketing is a systematic study of the market. 2024-03-01

  • Electricity marketing _360 encyclopedia

    Electricity Marketing, "Electricity Marketing" is a book published by China Electric Power Press in 2008, the author is Liu Qiuhua. This book can not only be used as a training material for power systems, for the reference of relevant personnel engaged in power marketing work, but also for... 2024-03-07

  • Marketing Control _360 Encyclopedia

    Marketing control means that the marketing manager often checks the implementation of the marketing plan to see whether the plan is consistent with the reality. If the plan is inconsistent or not completed, it is necessary to find out the reasons and take appropriate measures and correct actions to ensure that the marketing plan is not completed. 2022-04-24

  • Shanghai Oves Marketing Service Co., Ltd._360 Encyclopedia

    Shanghai Oves Marketing Service Co., Ltd. is the largest and most powerful marketing service agent in China. We have a strong and complete executive office network system, which can quickly extend the marketing tentacles to every corner of the Chinese market. 2024-05-29

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