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    • ChinaeconomyIssue journals __ Editor-in-Chief received __ Submission home page

      China economic issues journal service, focusing on the industry for 11 years, fast service speed, high pass rate. Regular magazine, can be expedited, can be checked, do not complete no charge, payment after completion, safe and reliable!

    • Contemporary ageeconomyMagazine __ editor-in-chief received __ submission home page

      Contemporary economic magazine services, focusing on the industry for 11 years, fast service speed, high pass rate. Regular magazine, can be expedited, can be checked, do not complete no charge, payment after completion, safe and reliable!

    • economyWorld journals __ editor-in-chief receiving __ submission home page

      Economic periodical services, focusing on the industry for 11 years, fast service speed, high pass rate. Regular magazine, can be expedited, can be checked, do not complete no charge, payment after completion, safe and reliable!

  • Economy _360 encyclopedia

    Economy, simply put, economy is people's production, circulation, distribution, consumption of all material and spiritual materials. This concept refers to the microcosmic property management of a family, and macroscopically to the national economy of a country. In this dynamic whole, production is... 2024-01-25

  • Economic business _360 encyclopedia

    Economic business, economic business (also known as accounting matters) : refers to the production and operation activities or business execution of enterprises, administrative institutions and other units, which can cause changes in accounting factors. Refers to economic activity... 2024-05-13

  • Circular economy _360 encyclopedia

    cyclic economy (cyclic economy) is a material circulation economy, which refers to the traditional dependence on capital in the whole process of resource input, enterprise production, product consumption and waste in the large system of people, natural resources and science and technology. 2024-02-23

  • World Economy (economic terms)_360 encyclopedia

    The world economy is an organic whole of the global economy that is interdependent and interconnected. An economic discipline that studies the emergence, development and movement of an interdependent and interconnected global economy as a whole. The scientific sense of the world economy is capital... 2024-06-03

  • Economist (economic professional title)_360 encyclopedia

    Economist, economist, is one of our professional titles. To obtain the title of "economist", one needs to participate in the "economic professional and technical qualification examination". The personnel department will issue the qualification certificate uniformly. Economic professional and technical qualifications shall be unified throughout the country... 2024-05-29

  • Economic man _360 encyclopedia

    It is often used as a basic assumption in economics and certain psychological analyses. The assumption of economic man in western classical economics holds that man has complete rationality and can make choices that maximize his own interests. The 1978 Nobel Prize winner in economics, Simon Hugh... 2024-02-22

  • Economic benefit_360 encyclopedia

    Economic benefit is the social labor savings achieved through the external exchange of goods and labor, that is, to achieve as much business results as possible with as little labor cost, or to achieve more business results with the same labor cost. The economic benefits... 2024-05-13

  • Cash crops _360 encyclopedia

    Cash crops, cash crops are also called "industrial raw material crops", "technical crops". It generally refers to crops that provide raw materials for industry, especially for light industry. There are many kinds of cash crops included in artificial cultivation in China, including fiber... 2024-01-18

  • Economic compensation _360 encyclopedia

    Economic compensation is the economic compensation given to the worker when the employer terminates the labor contract. Economic compensation is an economic subsidy paid by the employer to the worker in a lump sum according to law after the labor contract is rescinded or terminated. The law of our country... 2024-02-08

  • Economic contract_360 encyclopedia

    Economic contract refers to a contract where one party is the government or an institution authorized by the government or the law, or one or both parties have obligations to the government regarding the conclusion of the contract, the conditions of the contract and its realization, which directly reflects the public... 2024-05-13

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