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Attracting good people to Manufacturing (People's Review)

[Print] 2017-02-16 Validity: Unlimited to unlimited 200

Weld the gap between talent training and enterprise needs, attract excellent talents, and the manufacturing industry can see hope

Mention domestic products, people may think of "Shenzhou" heaven, "dragon" into the sea, may also be associated with faucet leakage, ballpoint pen oil leakage... Indeed, there are objectively large but not strong, lack of innovation and other problems in Chinese manufacturing, but the bottom line is still due to talent is not strong. Recently, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology jointly issued the "Manufacturing Talent Development Planning Guide", the purpose is to fundamentally fill this gap.

Looking around the world, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial change is in the ascendant, and Chinese manufacturing stands at the cusp of a new era. In the face of major opportunities and severe challenges, as early as 2015, The State Council issued the "Made in China 2025" to make a top-level design for the development and innovation of China's manufacturing industry. The guidelines released this time can be said to be the "talent" of the implementation of the "Made in China 2025" package of special planning, and it is also the end of the series of planning guidelines. The guide puts forward seven key tasks, focusing on five key talent projects, and is committed to building a talent training system for Chinese manufacturing from research and development, transformation, production to management, which will undoubtedly stimulate new momentum for Chinese manufacturing from large to strong.

Success depends on success, and success depends on success. For manufacturing, the most critical and positive factor is also talent. In recent years, China's manufacturing talent team has been growing, but the phenomenon of structural surplus and shortage of talent exists at the same time. In reality, there are more junior workers, less senior workers, more traditional workers, less modern workers, more single workers, less complex workers, more short training and rapid training of workers, less systematic training of workers, and some unique skills even appear interrupted. In some precision manufacturing fields, there is a particular lack of craftsmen who can weld on steel plates thick with kraft paper and control the sealing accuracy at 1/50 of the hair. On the one hand, the employer is thirsty, the real talent is difficult to find, on the other hand, the technician is not easy to find work, the pressure of employment, the task of adjusting the structure of manufacturing personnel and improving the quality is very urgent.

How to let the majority of blue-collar teams catch up with the pace of modernization? How to improve the quality of manufacturing talents from the source? This requires us to re-examine the gold content of relevant talent training programs, systematically improve teaching, practice and other links, and weld the gap between talent training and enterprise needs. From the practical level, enterprises have adopted the "5.0" version of technology, but many schools are still around the "1.0" version of the circle, so that the cultivation of students, how can the interface on the talent market? To break the dilemma of not being marketable, it is necessary to improve the initiative and enthusiasm of enterprise talent training, so that the deep integration of production and education, students' real practice, and finally let "learn well" and "use" seamless connection.

It should also be noted that for a long time, the social status and treatment of first-line workers in China's manufacturing industry is overall low, and the development channel is not smooth, resulting in the industry is not attractive. On the one hand, although ordinary universities are popular, many "Wenxiucai" are unemployed upon graduation; On the other hand, although vocational and technical schools have trained a lot of students, the talent structure is unbalanced, and many enterprises cannot recruit the required "champion". After returning from a visit to Germany, an entrepreneur lamented: "At an event invited by the mayor, the big-name technician takes the top seat, and the chairman comes after the technician." In developed countries such as Germany and Japan, the wages of skilled workers in many industries are higher than those of civil servants and university professors. It has been proved that only by attracting good people to the manufacturing industry can the manufacturing industry see hope.

"The manufacturing industry is the main body of the national economy, the foundation of building the country, the tool of rejuvenating the country, and the foundation of strengthening the country." In the 1990s, China's rocket technology has ranked first in the world, but it has experienced several launch failures, one of the reasons is that the quality of the welding points of the rocket engine is not up to standard. At present, the top-level design of "Made in China 2025" has been basically completed and has been fully transferred to the implementation stage. With the attitude of time is not waiting for me to grasp the implementation of the plan, gather the world's talents and use it, the business card made in China will be more beautiful.

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