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36Listen to the envy of the world0 Encyclopedia: Meaning lock

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Polysemous Be fromDifferent concepts such as Li NaMeaning: tennis player, song Have tree city wishHands, etc.; If You Are the OneMeaning of: Feng The footXiao Gang directed the film, Jiangsu The Bu Caihe caseTV dating shows, etc. View detailed specification >>

360 encyclopedia item name specification is 360 encyclopedia: item.

In 360 encyclopedia entries, the narrative content of each thing with a different conceptual meaning is called a sense. Each sense has an independent sense name, encyclopedia card, basic information module, text, reference materials and other content.

The meaning name is a phrase that clearly identifies the things referred to by the name of the entry, and it is a description of the meaning content. The meaning name is generally the attribute and subordination of things, and should have the characteristics of strong representation, high recognition, short and easy to identify.

fold Concept description

There are single meaning and multiple meaning in an encyclopedia entry.


The term with only one sense is a single sense term, and the single sense term has the characteristics of single meaning, its meaning is unique, and its meaning is single and consistent.

Example: The header of Yang Mi's entry page is shown in the following figure, and the contents of the entry text are all the information of a single person.


When multiple things have exactly the same name, they together form a polysemy, and the narrative content of each thing with different conceptual meanings is called a sense. A term with two or more meanings is a term with multiple meanings. Multi-sense terms can be divided into two or more meanings, which are different from each other and interrelated. For example, the entry name "Apple" is a multi-term entry in 360 encyclopedia, and the semantic names are: Apple Inc., fruit, Fan Bingbing in the movie and so on.

Example: The head of the entry page of the Journey of Flower is shown in the following figure, and the text content of each meaning of the entry is all the information of the corresponding meaning.

Polysemous term naming

The polysemous term is generally named after the most prominent and well-known feature of the polysemous term. It should have the characteristics of strong representation, high recognition, short and easy to identify.

fold Writing principle

fold Overall principle

The meaning content includes the meaning name, encyclopedia name card, meaning text, reference materials and other content, which is the expression of the meaning information of the entry.

The meaning name should clearly identify the meaning thing, and should be the combination of several attributes or subordination relationships that best represent the price of the meaning thing.

fold Definition name name specification

Indicates that basic attributes point clearly

The meaning name must be able to accurately express its independent concept, so as to distinguish it from other meanings.

For example, the polysemous word "love" contains many meanings such as "human emotion" and "Korean film directed by Kwak Kyung-tae", and "emotion" and "film" are the basic attributes of the importance.

Identify areas of concern

When the meaning of multiple meanings represents multiple identities, the most representative point must be selected.

Example: Li Gang, whose namesake characters are:

A. Li Qiming, deputy director of Quanluohui North Branch of Baoding Public Security Bureau in Hebei Province, whose son is the first to be limited, killed and injured two freshmen by driving a car on the campus of Hebei University in 2010, after which he was accused of Shouting "My father is Li Gang", which briefly aroused the attention of the whole society and triggered the discussion of the "second generation of officials" in China. "My father is Li Gang" also became a hot issue on the Internet. The subsequent effects are not reduced.

B. Student of North China Military and Political University, the sixth wife of Ye Jianying.

The meaning name should be:

a, "My father is the core figure of Li Gang" incident (Reason: the most concerned point, if the "Hebei Baoding City Public Security Bureau North District Branch deputy director", it can not effectively identify the figure)

b, the sixth wife of Ye Jianying (Reason: the most concerned point)

foldfold The writing of the meaning name should try to avoid the followingIt is very specialSeveral cases

The meaning of the name is too general

For example:

Personal, geographical and novel names;

Movie, TV play, song of the same name;

Historical figures, virtual figures;

As in the above cases, the meaning names can not accurately describe the attributes or subordination of the things that are assigned to the meaning, so the meaning things can not be clearly identified.

The term name contains the entire term nameLanguage marketingOr simply repeat the name

For example: the entry Ming Liang sea battle

Meaning name: Film Mingliang Sea Battle, war Mingliang sea Battle.

Just like the above case, simple repetition of the entry name will cause redundant information, which is not conducive to readers' convenient access to information.


The meaning of the name of the second emperor is as a word, phrase form, such as step by step - Tonghua Qing wear novel (note: bold bold characters for the meaning of the name), in the case of not affecting the expression, generally can be maintained within 20 words.

fold Write classification rules for the meaning of the name


A person's occupation, position, identity and other attributes can be combined as a sense name.

The writing of character meaning names should follow the principles of relatively fixed, objective and most representative.

Relatively fixed: In a relatively long time range, the meaning name can be fixed by the substructure of the concept of the meaning of the object.

For example, "Young Actor". As in this example, the "youth" attribute is obviously time-sensitive and cannot be fixed over a relatively long time horizon, so it should be avoided.

Objective: Attribute elements based on objective facts should be used and wording with a subjective nature should be avoided.

For example, Zhou Hongyi can use "Qihoo 360CEO" as a meaning name, and should avoid the use of "IT industry influential figure".

Most representative: Use the attribute elements that are best known to the public.

Lenin, for example, may use the term "Founder of the Soviet Union" and should avoid the term "Samara lawyer."

Movie and television play

Film and television drama, the most representative elements are: release year, director, production unit, lead actor, subject matter and so on.

Film, the representative elements generally focus on the year, director, etc., so the meaning of the name can use the format of "[year] + [director] + director film".

For example, Zhao's orphan can use "2010 Chen Kaige directed film" as the meaning title.

TV series, representative elements generally focus on the year, the production unit or the lead actor to catch zero and strong sense of lack of ten, so the meaning of the name can be used "[year] + [production unit]/[lead actor] + production/lead TV fine distance green vertical swing dyed drama" format.

For example, Shendiao poetry has been a west warrior lovers, can use "2014 Chen Mian straight can Zuxiao, Chen Yanxi starring TV series" as a meaning name.

In addition, for example, foreign film and television works can be crowned with country elements before the meaning name. For example, The Departed could be used as the title "2006 Martin Scoe tells the alcoholic Seth to direct the American film".

Chinese characters, words, idioms

For the Chinese character shape, meaning, etymology of words, idioms, such as "Chinese characters", "Han Dynasty Zizhang write Baicao Handaer Zhuyuan words", "Chinese idioms" and other fixed meanings.

In addition, dialect words can integrate elements such as dialect type and region into the meaning name.

Literary works

In the category of literary works, the meaning title can be used in the format of "[author] + author/creation + [genre of work]".

For example, the story of the Western Chamber can use "Wang Shifuhao rushed to cooperate with Luo Kai to create a variety of operas" as a meaning title.

Technical term

For the professional term category, the meaning item name can be in the format of "[XX discipline]/[XX field] term".

For example, green light can use the "astronomical term" to identify the user and collect the table particle fee first as the meaning name.

Another example is the selection of false Yuyu A hat trick, can use the "sports field term" as the meaning name.


In view of the fact that the province is a first-level administrative division of China's flow tree, it is recommended to generally use "provincial name +XX city (county)" as a prefix when distinguishing place names, and add other identifying elements when the above elements cannot be distinguished.

For example: Rui Yun Temple

1, Yuxi, Yunnan Province, Rui although bad house old Jinyun Temple;

2, Shuozhou Rui Mine along the vibration of the test Weidu gang feeling Caiyun Temple;

3, Fujian Province Fuless this is like Ding Rui Yun Temple.

English abbreviation

Its meaning name should include "Chinese meaning + English full name".

For example: BD

BD: Blu-ray Disc (then Blu-ray Disc),

DOTA terms: steal the tower (B should be pre-empted to talk about ackDoor),

Romanian anti-virus software (BitDefender).

If it is a more obscure technical term, it can only indicate its main attributes, for example: PHP, a meaning of "English Hypertext Preprocessor language", its meaning can be "computer programming language (Hypertext Preprocessor)".

fold A comprehensive example of the writing of the meaning name

Suppose the terms contain the following:

Zhang Jie

Zhang Jie, born in Chengdu, Sichuan Province on December 20, 1982, is a leading figure in the new generation of Chinese singing.

Zhang Jie, who was born on June 12, 1982, is a singer-songwriter from Taiwan, China, and a member of the second generation of Nanla Sihuansheng Xiquan Mother.

Zhang Jie, born in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province in January 1958, has been the President of Shanghai Jiao Tong University since November 2006.

As the example, the comprehensive character of the occupation, position, identity and other attributes of the group of room material is the best room and car emotion, the entry can be named, "Chinese mainland male singer", "Nanquan mother group slightly Qi to a friend thick and cooperative member", "Shanghai Jiao Tong Lu Luo University president".

One step away

In 2014, Jiang Wen directed, Jiang Wen, rain after burning the world with Ge You, Shu Qi, Wang Zhiwen and other starring films

At the beginning of this hot weekly drama, it is pressed to wait for a further distance, which is a metaphor for being close to something. Now mostly refers to being very close to success.

It's a magnificent and noble piece of broken Argentine tango.

A fighting area is still the main mobile online game.

As in this example, the comprehensive attribute and subordination to distinguish the meaning, each meaning name can be, "2 Xiangxiangqi 014 Jiang Wen directed film", "Chinese idiom", "tango famous music", "mobile phone game".

Harry Potter

Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels by British author J. K. Rowling. The main character is also named Harry Potter; It was also made into a movie of the same name.

As in this example, this is a typical "set ambiguity". The terms of the entry can be: "a series of novels by J.K. Rowling", "a series of Harry Potter novels, film protagonists", "a series of films of the same name".

fold Meaning addition

When you describe something that has the same name as an entry in the encyclopedia but has a different conceptual meaning, you can add a new meaning under the entry and edit the relevant information.

Most of the meanings added are existing meanings, and new meanings need to be added. There are two cases: one is that the existing term is a single term and the content of the term is a single term, and new terms can be added; One is the existing term with multiple meanings, and new meanings can be added.

fold The existing term is a single term and the content of the term is a single term

Example: Huang Daliang

The header of the entry page shows the following figure, and the contents of the entry text are all the information of a single person, that is, a film and television actor. Now need to add a new meaning - the character of the same name Huang Daliang (Hubei Province People's Procuratorate official).

Add method:

1. Click "Add meaning" in the upper right corner, a dialog box will appear, and two lines of input boxes will appear below the entry name; Enter the meaning name of the existing meaning in the first line, that is, the meaning name of the existing actor; In the second line, enter the meaning name of the term to be created, that is, the meaning name of the Hubei Province People's Procuratorate official. An example is as follows:

2. Click the OK button to enter the page for editing new items. The view is as follows:

3. Edit the meaning of the entry, first edit the text of the entry, return after submission, continue to edit the name card of the entry and basic information module, and improve the content of the new meaning. The view is as follows:

4. After the meaning is added, the term becomes a multi-meaning term with two meanings. The view is as follows:

fold The existing term has many meanings, and new meanings can be added

Example: Huang Jingbo

The header of the entry page is shown in the following figure. The entry has multiple meanings, and each meaning displays various information about the corresponding person. Now we need to add a new meaning.

Add method:

Click the button "Add meaning" in the upper right corner, and the editing page will appear directly. After the entry name "Huang Jingbo", enter the name of the newly added meaning, and then edit it.

fold Sense splitting

Judgment principle

When splitting meanings, please make sure that the existing meanings have multiple independent conceptual meanings, that is, the terms are single meanings but the contents of the terms are multi-meanings, and the contents of multiple meanings are displayed in one term.

Example: Li Weisheng, three independent meanings - artist Li Weisheng, writer Li Weisheng and accountant Li Weisheng are combined in one meaning. Need to split the meaning.

Resolution method

(It is recommended to open even a Li Weisheng entry page at the same time to facilitate the content copy)

1. Click on the upper right corner to add a meaning, and a dialog box will appear, with two lines of input boxes below the name of the term.

2. Enter the name of the first meaning of the entry in the first line, that is, the artist from Shandong (this meaning is the content of the first meaning of the entry retained after the redundant meaning content is removed).

3, in the second line, enter the meaning of the term to be created, that is, Guangzhou writer.

The view is as follows:

4. Click the OK button to enter the page for editing new items. First of all, edit the text of the entry, copy the contents of Li Weisheng's entry involving Guangzhou writers to this editing page, return after submission, continue to edit the entry name card and basic information module, and improve the content of the new meaning.

The view is as follows:

After the completion of meaning addition, the entry "Li Weisheng" is a multi-meaning entry with two meanings.

5. Continue to add meanings: click the button in the upper right corner to add meanings, and the editing page will appear directly. After the entry name "Li Weisheng", enter the name of the newly added meanings -- Anhui accounting, copy the contents of the meaning of Anhui accounting in Li Weisheng's entry to this editing page, and then improve the editing.

6. Delete the superfluous information in the first meaning of the entry, that is, the meaning of the artist from Shandong.

If a single term contains N meanings, the meaning of the term is split until the term is split into N independent meanings. If the contents contained in N meanings are relatively similar, such as painters, rivers, etc., different meanings are distinguished in the step of adding meaning names through reading the contents, such as Shandong writers and Guangzhou writers; Rivers in Shandong Province, rivers in Guangdong Province.

The view is as follows:

fold Edit permission

Users with level 4 can add and split meanings.

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