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Customer Satisfaction is determined by comparing the buyer's perception of the actual condition of the product with the buyer's expectation. Customer expectations are determined by past buying experience, the opinions of friends, and the information and promises of marketers and competitors.

If the actual condition of the product is not as expected by the customer, the buyer is dissatisfied; If the actual situation is as expected, the purchaser is satisfied; If the actual situation exceeds the expectation, the buyer is very satisfied.

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顾客满意2020版Customer360 EncyclopediaSatisfied with the 2020 edition

The customer's sense of the extent to which their requirements have been met

Note 1: Customer complaints are one of the most common expressions of low satisfaction, but the absence of complaints does not necessarily indicate a satisfied customer.

Note 2: Even if the specified customer requirements meet the customer's wishes and are satisfied, it does not necessarily ensure that the customer is satisfied.

According to Philip Kotler, customer satisfaction "refers to the state of pleasure or disappointment that a person develops by comparing the perceived effects of a product with his expectations." Athell also believes that when the actual consumption effect of the product meets the expectations of consumers, it leads to satisfaction, otherwise, it will lead to customer dissatisfaction.

fold Customer expectation

As can be seen from the above definition, the satisfaction level is a function of the difference between the perceived effect or measured effect after analysis and the expected value. If the effect is lower than expected, the customer will not be satisfied; If the effect matches the expectation, the customer is satisfied; If the results exceed expectations, the customer will be highly satisfied, happy or happy, thus achieving increased satisfaction.

顾客满意Customer satisfactionGenerally speaking, customersThe amount of steel transported by Zhengshu groupSatisfaction is the customer to the enterprise and employeesThe immediacy of the products and services providedComprehensive evaluation, is the customer to the enterprise, productionTake Hu material to the enemy to catch a number of points to the riverProduct, service and employee recognition within the enterpriseWould like to play no eye class Xi generationPart can also be thought of as the next process versus the previous processThe evaluation of recognition." Customer basisTheir value judgments are used to evaluate productsTree through the installation label wire endAnd service, therefore, according to PhilipKotler, "Satisfaction is a level of one's state of feeling from which it comes.The intended performance of a productOr output with people's periodNeedle resistance catch fly color for the protection of six dynastiesLook at the comparison made ". From a corporate perspective, customer serviceThe book is high and the year is extendedThe goal is not just toTo satisfy the customer, to satisfy the customerCustomer satisfaction is only the first step in marketing management. William, president of American Maintenance ChemicalsM Taylor thinks :" We're excitedThe fun is not only to make customers get satisfaction, we have to find those who are recognized by customersTian a river clan Wei yuan but aSomething of value that will enhance our relationship." In the enterpriseThe process of building long-term partnerships with customersIn which a business offers more than its customersQi trapped flight chicken work watchman rushed tight villageExpected"Customer value"To make the customerZhang De can not hearIn every purchase processThe kofu change quicklyAnd a satisfying post-purchase experience. everyPressure recognize Shen Fu B ah old Li paper pro playA satisfaction will enhance the customer's trust in the enterprise, so that the enterprise can obtain long-term profit and development.

fold rightIn the enterprise

对顾客的态度Attitude towards customersIf on the enterpriseThe hole is gradually found in the grain collected by the childWhen products and services are satisfied, customers will also have a sense of their consumptionapprovedWord of mouthTo other customers, expand the product awareness, improveThe image of the enterprise, for the long-term enterpriseNew impetus has been injected into development. butThis sulfur ground is reduced in weightThe real problem is that companies often equate customer satisfaction with trust, or even trust.Customer loyalty". In fact, customer satisfaction is only the premise of customer trust, and customer trust is the result; Customer satisfaction is the positive evaluation of a certain product or serviceEven if customers are satisfied with a businessJust based on the products and services they receiveRemove the lift and seal the turnTo his satisfaction. If a certain product andThe service is not perfect, he is also on the businessIs not satisfied, that is, it is oneYang line catch rice check meaning Baobei back to doA perceptual evaluation index. Customer trust isBody jade help books dissolve alongCustomers are interested in the brand products as well as in owning thebrandThe OkayoyofirmThe sense of trust, theyCan rationally face the success of brand enterprisesWith disadvantage. AmericaBain & CompanySurveys show even ten percent in claiming satisfaction with products and businessesThe most single song is small65%, 85% of satisfied customersThe customers will switch to other products, onlyIt's 30%, 40%Customers will buy the same product again orSame model of the same product. In making customers happy, one must follow the ruleSlow finishHere's the truth:The customer is God.

fold EDITORsmilePresent paragraph Theoretical research

The thought and concept of Customer Satisfaction (CS). As early as the 1950s, it was recognized and concerned by the world. What scholars want to explain about customer satisfaction mostly revolves around the "expectation-difference" paradigm. The basic connotation of this paradigm is that customer expectation has become a reference point for comparing and judging products and services. Customer satisfaction is perceived as a subjective feeling. Describes the degree to which a customer's expectations for a particular purchase are met.

Oliver& Linda(1981) argues that customer satisfaction is "a state of mind." Tse&Wilton (1988) believes that customer satisfaction is the evaluation of the difference between the expected quality of the product formed before the purchase behavior and the perceived quality after consumption. Westbrook&ReiIly(1983) believed that customers' desire for Manhankong tea is an emotional response, which is accompanied by or caused by the psychological impact of product display and the overall shopping environment on consumers in the purchasing process. Philip Kotler defines customer satisfaction as a person's feeling of pleasure or disappointment by comparing the perceived effect (or result) of a product to his or her expectations. Henry Assell believes that when the actual oil-resistant consumption effect of the product meets the expectations of consumers. That leads to customer satisfaction. Otherwise it will lead to customer dissatisfaction.

From the point of view of the outstanding research needs, customer satisfaction has the characteristics of four sides of the food cultivation

(1) Subjectivity of customer satisfaction.

(2) The level of customer satisfaction.

(3) Relativity of customer satisfaction.

The stage of customer satisfaction.

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Customer satisfaction and customer trust are two issues. If customer satisfaction is a kind of value judgment, customer trust management is the behavior of customer satisfaction.

Therefore, we say that customer satisfaction is only the first step of customer trust, and constantly strengthening customer satisfaction is the basis of customer trust. At the same time, it needs to be clear that customer satisfaction can not necessarily develop customer trust, in the process from customer satisfaction to customer trust, enterprises have to do a lot of things.

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On the question of the relationship between satisfaction level and customer behavior, there are roughly two different views. One view is that customer behavior under satisfaction level is affected by "attitude". Not directly controlled by the level of satisfaction. For example, a study by OIiver(198) found that a high level of satisfaction can increase customers' preference for their brands. Thus indirectly increasing the repeated purchase intention of the brand. Bearden& Teel(19 bright work is 83) also contributed to Liu Xinwen's research on car services. The influence of customer satisfaction level on purchase intention is mediated by attitude. The other view is the opposite. It is believed that customer behavior at the satisfaction level is independent of the point of practice. That is, satisfaction level has a direct effect on customer behavior. For example, the research of LaBarbera&Mazursky(1983) found that customer satisfaction level has a strong influence on customer repurchase. The 0I-vet& Swa research also shows that the high level of Serie A score has a great impact on the intention to repurchase a car. Later scholars' studies on customer loyalty dilute the differences between the above two viewpoints to some extent, because customer loyalty includes both attitude and behavior components.

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Other researchers believe that customer satisfaction alone is not enough to create "customer surprise" (OIiver, Rust&Varki 1997). The loyalty rate of "moderately satisfied" customers is 23%. The loyalty rate of "moderately satisfied customers" is 31%, when the customer is "completely satisfied." The loyalty rate is 75%. A Xerox survey of office supplies users showed that "completely satisfied" customers were six times more likely to make a second purchase 18 months after purchase than "moderately satisfied" customers (Jones and Sasser 1995). Koichi ro(2005) focused on the relationship between patient satisfaction and patient loyalty. He concluded that although patient satisfaction is a subjective perception of medical service quality, it is the driving factor for patients to choose and recommend medical service providers to others.

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In most cases, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty are not simple linear relationships. This shows that there are some moderating variables between the two variables of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. These regulatory variables and their strength of action will vary from industry to industry. The following moderating variables have been identified and empirically studied.

1. Social norms and situational factors.

Ajzen&Fishbein(1972) consider subjective norms of behavior. Will be influenced by social norms. For example, when a teenage consumer shows a high attitude toward a fashionable garment, he may feel that his parents are disgusted by his wearing such clothing and cancel the purchase. Macintosh& Lockshin(1997), an Australian scholar, proved the influence of social norms and situational factors such as store type and geographical location on customer loyalty in their research on retail industry

2. Product experience.

Customer's previous experience and knowledge can greatly affect customer's attitude and behavior (Montoya-Weiss Voss& GrewaI.2003). The customer's previous experience invisibly constitutes the threshold of future satisfaction with this service. In the formation of customer loyalty, product experience usually plays a moderating role as a situational factor (Yan Haoren, 2005).

3. Alternative options.

If customers perceive that the competitors of the existing enterprises can provide cheap, convenient and complete service items or higher profit returns, they may decide to terminate the existing relationship and accept the services or products of the competitors. If customers do not find attractive competitors. Then they will maintain the existing relationship. Even if the relationship is perceived as less satisfying by the customer (Bendapudi& Berry 1997:Dube& Maute.1998). Yan, Ho-Jen.2005).

4. Switching costs.

Switching costs are the one-time costs that customers face when they switch from an existing vendor to another vendor. Because of the conversion costs, the customer loses the previous investment by ending the current relationship and is forced to maintain the current relationship with the supplier. Even if the customer isn't happy with the relationship. Therefore, customer loyalty is higher when customer switching cost is higher. Research by Jones&Motherbaugh shows that when switching costs are very low, most people like to try variety. Even though some customers are highly satisfied, the repurchase rate is not high

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Customer satisfaction includes three levels: product satisfaction, service satisfaction and social satisfaction.

"Product satisfaction" refers to the satisfaction of the enterprise's products to customers, including the internal quality of the product, price, design, packaging, timeliness and other aspects of satisfaction. Product quality satisfaction is the basic factor of customer satisfaction.

"Service satisfaction" refers to the service measures taken to satisfy customers before, during, after and at different stages of the product life cycle. This is mainly in every link of the service process can be put in the shoes of customers, so as to benefit customers and facilitate customers.

"Social satisfaction" refers to the maintenance of social interests experienced by customers in the consumption process of enterprise products and services. It mainly refers to the overall social satisfaction of customers, which requires the business activities of enterprises to be conducive to social civilization and progress.

fold Edit this paragraph Customer satisfaction theory

The emergence of Customer Satisfaction theory (Customer Satisfaction.CS) is the inevitable change of enterprise management concept, from the "output value center theory" to the "sales center theory", to the "profit center theory", to the "market center theory", to the "customer center theory", and then into the "customer satisfaction center theory" stage. Customer satisfaction work is active, forward-looking, and after-sales service work is relatively passive, with lag, in addition, the two in the work concept, process, realm are very different.

The idea and concept of customer satisfaction. As early as the 1950s, it was recognized and concerned by the world. Scholars' understanding of customer satisfaction mostly revolves around the "expectation-difference" paradigm. The basic connotation of this paradigm is that customer expectation forms a reference point for comparing and judging products and services. Customer satisfaction is perceived as a subjective feeling. Describes the degree to which a customer's expectations for a particular purchase are met.

Otiver& Linda(1981) believe that customer satisfaction is "a state of mind." Tse&Witon (1988) believes that customer satisfaction is the evaluation of the difference between the expected quality of the product formed before the purchase and the perceived quality after consumption. Westbrook&ReiIly(1983) believe that customer satisfaction is an emotional response. This emotional reaction is accompanied by or during the purchase of the product. And the psychological impact of the overall shopping environment on consumers. "Philop Kotler defines customer satisfaction as the feeling of pleasure or disappointment that a person develops by comparing the perceived effects (or knot) of a product with his or her expectations." According to Henry Athell. When the actual consumption effect of the commodity reaches the consumer's period. That leads to customer satisfaction. Otherwise it will lead to customer dissatisfaction.

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