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Community Activity

Advertising sustainable practices

I just read an article by eBay which encourages sellers to adopt several practices to increase our sustainability efforts, all in the name of greater profits. We already have a number of sustainability features built in to our store, but I'm not awar...

Looking for a seller group in Southern Arizona

I sell primarily jewelry, but sometimes other items as well. I am looking for another seller or a group in Southern Arizona (Tucson, Green Valley, etc) to communicate with for tips, information, mentorship, and just community. Does such a group exist...

eBay Open 2024

Keynote starts at 9am PT, noon ET. If you haven't registered and want to attend, you can do that here. This year's Expo booths shown below. Different product teams participate each year (and different sponsors). If you have questions or feedback for ...

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$1000 Payment dispute . Ebay sides with the buyer

I recently sold an Item for $1000. Shipped on time, and tracks as delivered on time . One month later the buyer files the dispute with their Credit card , claiming - not as described. No other details specified.The buyer never contacted us about the ...

User avatar by Von Adventurer
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Is the ebays checkout correct is this a global issue?

For the last 3 years eBay have slowly but surely begun to control VAT in counties as you pay for an item. At times I wondered why the amounts changed from the purchasing page to the actual checkout page, I thought it was the currency differences, the...

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S.E. Michigan eBay Sellers

Hello Everyone,I am the Organizer of two, eBay Meetup Groups. We meet not far from Ann Arbor, Michigan. There are close to 500 members in the two groups. I hope to keep everyone posted about our next meeting. In the meantime, Happy Selling!


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