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In der alps-rotation RK097 - serie RK097 [autowettbewerb]

Update: 208-12:12 14:41:14 uhr Nummern nummern: 2932669 117 mal für nummer 1
Shanghai tower electric technology co., LTD Das kaufhaus.
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ALPS/ alpen?
RK097, serie
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Das id-gerät rk97 /rk098 wird detailliert beschrieben
Diese artikel werden in dvd-player, autoreoskope, einfaches audio und av mit komplexen überschallgeräuschen sowie in phonetischen gleichzählen verwendet, während die innenraumsitze des autos erheitert sind, die lautsprechergeräte für die lautsprechergeräte genutzt werden, sowie an verschiedenen kontrollgeräten für wohngeräte

part number number of resistor elements mounting direction shaft types length of the shaft center detent total resistance resistance taper minimum order unit (pcs.)
rk097111080j single-unit horizontal type flat 15mm without 10k ω 15a 2,4
rk0971110909 single-unit horizontal type flat 15mm without 20k ω 1b 2,4
rk0971110d7f single-unit horizontal type flat 15mm with 10k ω 15a 2,4
rk097111020n single-unit horizontal type flat 15mm without 50k ω 1b 2,4
rk097111080r single-unit horizontal type flat 20mm without 10k ω 15a 2,4
rk0971110d88 single-unit horizontal type flat 20mm with 10k ω 1b 2,4
rk09711100f8 single-unit horizontal type flat 20mm without 50k ω 1b 2,4
rk097111091m single-unit horizontal type flat 25mm without 10k ω 15a 1,600
rk0971110d57 single-unit horizontal type flat 25mm without 10k ω 1b 1,600
rk09712100av dual-unit horizontal type flat 15mm without 50k ω 1b 2,4
rk0971210z2m dual-unit horizontal type flat 20mm with 20k ω 1b 1,600
rk0971210097 dual-unit horizontal type flat 25mm without 10k ω 1b 1,600
rk09712200mc dual-unit horizontal type flat 15mm without 10k ω 15a 2,4
rk09712200my dual-unit horizontal type flat 15mm without 10k ω 3b 2,4
rk09712200ha dual-unit horizontal type flat 20mm without 10k ω 15a 1,600
rk097122008t dual-unit horizontal type flat 20mm without 10k ω 3b 1,600
rk09712200mt dual-unit horizontal type flat 20mm without 20k ω 15a 1,600
single-shaft with rotary switch type
part number number of resistor elements mounting direction shaft types length of the shaft center detent total resistance resistance taper minimum order unit (pcs.)
rk0971111z0p single-unit horizontal type flat 15mm without 20k ω 15a 1,400
rk0971111z32 single-unit horizontal type flat 15mm without 50k ω 15a 1,400
rk09711110al single-unit horizontal type flat 20mm without 10k ω 15a 1,400
rk09711110el single-unit horizontal type flat 20mm without 10k ω 1b 1,400
rk0971221z05 dual-unit horizontal type flat 15mm without 10k ω 3b 1,400
rk0971221z11 dual-unit horizontal type flat 20mm without 20k ω 3b 1,400
Ted ted ist ein "witch type", also ist er einer seiner männer. Er ist ein type
part number number of resistor elements mounting direction shaft types length of the shaft center detent total resistance resistance taper minimum order unit (pcs.)
rk097111202p single-unit horizontal type flat 25mm without 10k ω 15a 1,400
rk097111202q single-unit horizontal type flat 25mm without 10k ω 1b 1,400
rk097122200g dual-unit horizontal type flat 20mm without 50k ω 3b 1,200
Ted ted ist ein "witch type", also ist er ein anderer typ
part number number of resistor elements mounting direction shaft types length of the shaft center detent total resistance resistance taper minimum order unit (pcs.)
rk0971114d0b single-unit horizontal type flat 15mm with 10k ω 3b 1,400
rk0971214z06 dual-unit horizontal type flat 20mm without 10k ω 1b 1,400
rk0971224z01 dual-unit horizontal type flat 20mm without 10k ω 15a 1,400
Ted ted ist ein "witch type" (1,5-mm -travel) kerl mit der switch type
part number number of resistor elements mounting direction shaft types length of the shaft center detent total resistance resistance taper minimum order unit (pcs.)
rk0971114z07 single-unit horizontal type flat 20mm without 10k ω 1b 1,400
single-shaft with push-lock mechanism type
part number number of resistor elements mounting direction shaft types length of the shaft center detent total resistance resistance taper minimum order unit (pcs.)
rk097111t065 single-unit horizontal type flat 25mm without 10k ω 1b 1,400
rk097111tz17 single-unit horizontal type flat 25mm without 100k ω 15a 1,400
rk097111t064 single-unit horizontal type flat 25mm without 100k ω 1b 1,400
rk097111td2m single-unit horizontal type flat 25mm with 10k ω 1b 1,400
rk097111td44 single-unit horizontal type flat 25mm with 100k ω 1b 1,400
rk097121td57 dual-unit horizontal type flat 25mm with 10k ω 1b 1,200
rk097122t017 dual-unit horizontal type flat 25mm without 10k ω 15a 1,200
rk097122tz0a dual-unit horizontal type flat 25mm without 50k ω 3b 1,200
dual-shaft, dual-unit without switch type
part number number of resistor elements mounting direction specifications for the outer shaft specifications for the inner shaft minimum order unit (pcs.)
shaft types length of the shaft center detent total resistance resistance taper shaft types length of the shaft center detent total resistance resistance taper
rk097221005c dual-unit
(single-shaft, single-unit)
horizontal type slotted 15mm without 10k ω 15a flat 25mm without 10k ω 15a 1,400
rk097221004c dual-unit
(single-shaft, single-unit)
horizontal type slotted 15mm without 10k ω 15c flat 25mm without 10k ω 15c 1,400

Die produktregulierung: wird das produkt als ALPS/ alpen beschrieben, mit der serie RK097 in form Von streifen, mit stoffstoffen wie membranen, die unser unternehmen zu genau dieser funktion führen

Um für dich zu sortieren: The china elektronischer ungern / Für die membranen
An link: http://product.11467.com/info/2932669.htm
Download des dokuments zur alps-rotation der gruppe RK097 (autowahl) : PDF DOC TXT
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Shanghai tower technology co., LTD. Verkauft hochqualitative elektronische komponenten. Einer der wichtigsten akteure ist der alpsfordplayer 1. Agent ALPS: schalter - und relais und encoder, und?
Ein artikel über mein leben.
Wir haben ein anderes produkt
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  • Nex-metallischen polygraphen RK097 098 marke: ALPS/ alpen
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