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Privacy Policy

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Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Secretariat (“APEC Secretariat”) 

Data Protection Notice (the “Notice”)

1. Overview and Scope

In this Notice, “we”, “us”, “our”, “Company” or “APEC Secretariat” means ASIA-PACIFIC ECONOMIC COOPERATION SECRETARIAT, “you”, “your” or “yours” means the persons to whom this Notice applies. “Personal Data” has the same meaning as that defined in the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (the “PDPA”).

Your personal data privacy is important to us and we are highly committed in protecting and managing your Personal Data in a responsible manner in line with this Notice.

This Notice sets out the collection, use and disclosure of your Personal Data. "Personal Data" means any data or information, whether true or not, about an individual who can be identified either (a) from that data; or (b) from that data and other information to which APEC Secretariat is likely to have access to. 

Personal Data excludes Business Contact Information which means an individual's name, position name or title, business telephone number, business address, business electronic mail address or business fax number and any other similar information about the individual, not provided by the individual solely for his personal purposes.

2. When and what kind of Personal Data do we collect?

We may collect, use and disclose the following data about you:

  1. When you register and participate in our events, including APEC project events implemented by member economies, subscribe to our services and publications or access our websites and use our online services;
  2. When you submit concept notes, project proposals, or any request for project funding;
  3. When you submit documents and application forms to register participation of our events, or for a job, or for project funding;
  4. If and when you contact APEC Secretariat (i.e., phone, email, face to face meetings, networking, interviews, SMS, fax, mail or electronic mail, internet messaging services, etc.) which we may keep a record of that correspondence;
  5. If and when you respond to any of APEC Secretariat‘s newsletters and other communication materials, or when you respond to our queries or request for us to contact you;
  6. When you submit requests for changes or updates of your existing personal data;
  7. When you submit personal data to us to participate in our surveys, event, competition organised by APEC Secretariat or its partners;
  8. When you request a third party to contact and/or make enquiries from APEC Secretariat with your personal data;

When you apply to join APEC Secretariat as an employee or intern; We may collect the following kinds of Personal Data through the different channels mentioned above:

  1. Full name;
  2. Business and/or residential addresses;
  3. Business and/or personal email addresses;
  4. Mobile and business telephone numbers;
  5. Bank account details, if necessary;
  6. Passport information, if necessary;
  7. Work permit information, if necessary;
  8. Travel VISA information, if necessary;
  9. Voice, photos and CCTV images/videos, if applicable;
  10. Salary and Bank Account details;
  11. Work related health issues and disabilities;
  12. Employment and training history;
  13. Performance assessments and disciplinary records;
  14. Next-of-kin details (e.g., spouse and other family members);
  15. Doctor’s certification;

3. What purposes does APEC Secretariat Collect, Use and Disclose Personal Data?

We may use the information we collect from you for any of the following purposes:

  1. To perform or carry out APEC Secretariat’s legal obligations arising from any contracts entered into by APEC Secretariat;
  2. To enable APEC Secretariat’s subcontractors, third-party agents, partners and service providers, to fulfil obligations/services as stipulated in contracts entered into by APEC Secretariat;
  3. Evaluating your suitability for participation in APEC projects, events, collaborations in our projects and/or employment;
  4. To administer and evaluate APEC projects implemented by any member economy;
  5. Responding to your requests or queries including requests and queries from your authorised representatives and individuals purporting to be you;
  6. For payment administration, including assessing, processing, settling, authenticating and investigating claims for reimbursements;
  7. To administer and update your records in our databases; monitoring and maintaining a copy of a record of your past transactions;
  8. Providing ad-hoc or regular information about your relationship with APEC Secretariat;
  9. Verifying your identity and any information you provide to us;
  10. Promoting our events and projects;
  11. Participating and administering contests, events and competitions;
  12. Providing, managing, operating, processing and administering our services to you;
  13. Meeting requirements for APEC Secretariat’s operations;
  14. To communicate with you to update you on APEC Secretariat’s mission, work or future changes;
  15. For statistical and surveys;
  16. For data matching and administrative purposes;
  17. For professional training purposes;
  18. To facilitate data analysis and business planning purposes;
  19. To process your enquiries and any and all other ancillary administration;
  20. For vendor management and communications purposes;
  21. For government, compliance, audit and other regulatory reporting purposes, including meeting requirements imposed by any law, rules, regulations, agreements imposed by the Singapore Government, project partners, third parties service providers, industry bodies, etc;
  22. For security, safety surveillance and monitoring purposes;


  23. For internal reporting and/or accounting purposes; and
  24. Purposes incidental to each or all of the above. 

We may also contact you by any communication means which you have given us your contact details, including but not limited to via phone, email, face to face meetings, networking, interviews, SMS, fax, mail or electronic mail, internet messaging services, etc., for the purpose of getting your feedback or for providing you with information which we believe could be of interest to you or your organisation.

We do not knowingly solicit or collect personal data from children below the age of 18. If we discover that we have accidentally collected personal data from a child below the age of 18, we will remove that child’s personal data from our records as soon as reasonably possible.  However, we may collect personal data about children below the age of 18 years if authorized by the parent or legal guardian responsible over for the child.

By your submission of your Personal Data to us, you consent to the onward disclosure of your Personal Data to the overseas APEC members economies, agents or service providers (as set out in no. 3 of “What purposes does APEC Secretariat collect, use and disclose Personal Data?” ) and the processing of your Personal Data by these agents and/or service providers.

We only collect, process, use or disclose such Personal Data, in accordance with this Notice. If you are acting as an intermediary, or otherwise on behalf of a third party, or supply us with information regarding a third party, you undertake that you are an authorised representative or agent of such third party and that you have obtained consent from such third party to our collection, processing, use and disclosure of his/her Personal Data. Because we are collecting the third party’s data from you, you undertake to make the third party aware of all matters listed in this Notice by referring the third party to our website. 

4. Consent for the collection and use of your Personal Data

You consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your Personal Data for the above-mentioned purposes and agree to be bound by the obligations it imposes on you, when you accept this Notice. You accept this Notice when you continue to browse on APEC Secretariat’s website or continuing to engage with APEC Secretariat. 

When you consent to us collecting and/or processing your Personal Data, it is on you to ensure that all Personal Data submitted to us is complete, accurate, true and correct at the time of submission. You are also requested to inform us should there be any changes to the Personal Data that you had submitted to us. Failure to do so may result in our inability to provide you with products and services you have requested. 

Please note that if you do not consent to any of the above business purposes, APEC Secretariat may not be able to satisfy the purposes for which the information was collected.

5. Does APEC Secretariat disclose Personal Data to third parties (including overseas APEC member economies)?

On occasion, we may use third party agents and service providers to assist us in the use of your Personal Data as outlined under "What purposes does APEC Secretariat Collect, Use and Disclose Personal Data?"  You consent to such use of your Personal Data by continuing to browse on APEC Secretariat’s website or continuing to engage with APEC Secretariat. 

APEC Secretariat will not transfer Personal Data within or outside Singapore unless we have assurance the Personal Data will be accorded a level of protection which is comparable to those of PDPA or when the individual whose Personal Data is processed gives the consent.

6. For how long does APEC Secretariat retain your Personal Data?

We will cease retaining your Personal Data, as soon as it is reasonable to assume that the purpose for collecting/processing your Personal Data has been fulfilled, and there is no other legal or business purposes to continue retaining your Personal Data.  

7. How does APEC Secretariat protect your Personal Data?

The Personal Data that we hold about you may be stored on cloud provided by Microsoft. APEC Secretariat will ensure that there is a variety of reasonable security measures to maintain the safety of your Personal Data. All electronic storage and transmission of Personal Data is secured and stored on managed servers with controlled access and appropriate security technologies.

Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure that all Personal Data will be so protected, APEC Secretariat cannot be responsible for any unauthorised use or misuse of such information and from risks which are inherent in all internet communications.

Your Personal Data will only be disclosed for the express purpose of delivering the product or service requested and shall not be sold or disclosed to any other company for any other reason whatsoever without your consent. 

8. Social Media

You may visit our micro-sites on various social media platforms, and as such, may choose to provide us with personal data through these social media platforms, such as through forms, account portals, interfaces, and interactions with other customer support portals/channels. By doing so, you consent to the use of this personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

APEC Secretariat may receive information related or connected to an account with a third-party service that you use to sign up or log in, or when you associate that account.  For instance, when you associate your account, we may receive your public profile, your friends list, your contacts, and your email address. 

If you delete your profile from a third-party service, such as Google or Facebook, information that has been shared with APEC Secretariat from that service may still be retained by APEC Secretariat.  If you wish us to delete such information, please contact APEC Secretariat’s Data Protection Officer (“DPO”) at [email protected].

9. Access and Correction of Personal Data

Please contact us should you wish to have access to or seek to update, correct or withdraw the consent to collect and use your Personal Data.  Your email should identify yourself and state which Personal Data and information about its use and/or disclosure is requested. 

We will respond to your request as soon as reasonably possible. In the event we are not able to respond to your request within thirty (30) days after receiving your request, we will inform you before the deadline. If we are unable to provide you with any Personal Data or to make a correction you have requested, we shall inform you of the reasons unless where we are not required to do so under PDPA.

10. Further Information and contact

If you are concerned about the handling of your Personal Data, wish to be removed from our email subscription or contact lists, or if you have any complaints or queries related to your Personal Data or our Notice, please contact APEC Secretariat’s DPO at [email protected]. Please clearly identify yourself and the purpose of your query.

11. Amendments and updates of this Notice

APEC Secretariat reserves the right to change this Notice with or without notice from time to time and will make the updated statement available on our website. 



Download the entire document of the APEC Secretariat Personal Data Protection Policy here. 

Contact Us

For questions and/or comments about our privacy policy, please contact us at [email protected]   

APEC Secretariat
35 Heng Mui Keng Terrace
Singapore 119616
+65 68919600