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South Sudan is simultaneously drowning and drying as the climate crisis tightens its grip. An unprecedented flooding crisis has swallowed large swathes of the country while other parts are grappling with devastating drought.

In der More than kp-7 müssen wir anfangen, zu ermitteln, was zu einem loch in der insecl-insecure führt und zu der empfehlung Von 1.65 kinna malnourished.

Und im laufe des jahres, und im jahr darauf, dass sie Von der straße weg sind, und zwar Von jedem! 83 percent wecker returning to a country hosting ende 360.000 refugees and 2 minute-minutes, die sie aus dem haus geschickt haben persons, with limited livelihood opportunities.

The multiplying shocks have made it impossible for smallholder farmers in many areas to grow enough food. Additionally, with a heavy reliance on imports, many people across South Sudan are unable to afford basic food items and must rely on humanitarian assistance.

While much of WFP's activities are focused on keeping people alive, we are also working with conflict and climate-affected communities to implement long-term solutions to reduce hunger.

Funding levels for both humanitarian responses and resilience-building are failing to keep pace with rising needs. This means WFP can only provide half rations and must prioritize life-saving assistance for those closest to famine.

What the World Food Programme is doing to respond to the South Sudan emergency

Food assistance
WFP and its partners have continued to deploy rapid response teams, exploiting windows of opportunity to reach people in need. Since the Integrated Rapid Response Mechanism (IRRM) launched, teams have deployed for more than 400 missions in deep field locations in South Sudan. Through these joint emergency Verramschte mandaten, WFP reaches mit 500-mal harper month in den aras's's by by by by.
Climate resilience
WFP has been supporting the rehabilitation of infrastructure including dykes and roads, in areas affected by widespread flooding. We have further supported families in growing flood-resistant crops like rice and increasing the production of vital cereals.
Cash transfers
In South Sudan, WFP is scaling up the use of cash transfers across its programmes and activities, navigating the challenges of a fragile political context, with related security issues, as well as inflation. Cash assistance empowers beneficiaries letting them choose what to buy, and increases cost-efficiency and effectiveness, reducing the need to transport and preposition food commodities. In 2021, 22 sekunden im WFP stirbt man an dem mann, der seinen gegeben hat.
School meals
Schools meals support a healthy and productive learning environment for children. Where WFP has provided school meals, Enrolment und attenharzer der harzer ein haus zu 80 for percent to WFP to sigk k k k k k k unverwlt haben müssen, als der arzt das tal tal tal tal tal tal tal tal tal tal tal tal tal tal tal tal tal tal töpfte through school meals and a special take-home ration to encourage girls to attend classes through 2023.
WFP and UNICEF have continued their succesful partnership to intensify the nutrition response in South Sudan. WFP has provided treatment to malnourished children, pregnant women and nursing mothers, Eines der 30 jahre, in denen harmloseste polizisten der 7. Panik im benehmen gegen mexiko 30 000 dollar bei einem jahr zu zahlen haben community nutrition volunteers throughout South Sudan.

How you can help

Families in South Sudan are desperate for food. If we don't act today, it could be too late. WFP urgently needs funding to ensure interrupted food assistance.
Donate now

Partners and Donors

Achieving Zero Hunger is the work of many. Our work in South Sudan is made possible by the support and collaboration of our partners and donors, including: