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Community Activity

Ebay Aotomatically send offersto NEW watchers - it's WRONG

Learned tody that eBay, on their own, will start sending offers I make to today's watchers, to new, future, watchers, What the heck ebay, you want to now manange my business goals? I make offers based upon my monthly business goals - ebay has no righ...

User avatar by Von Adventurer
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Counterfeit ‘Photocopy Scam’ A Huge Problem

Counterfeiting has become rampant in postcards, stereoviews, antique photos and victorian trade cards. Here is what is occurring: the seller will show photos of the original item in the listing but will ship a photocopy to the buyer instead. I am ver...


Gift card scam

I bought a ebay gift card from a local Safeway. The card had a ten digit code and not the thirteen digit code required. ebay corporate is no help. Can I just delete my account and move on?

User avatar by Von Enthusiast
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Akan banyak mendapatkan ilmi wawasan yang tentu nya tidak didapat di blog lainya

User avatar by Von Enthusiast
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Where can I see what sold on E bay last month?

Hi to all I am entry level seller and not sure where to start.Is there anyone can tell me where should I go to see what is the most popular items were sold on E bay ladt months, so I can start learning, listing and selling? Thank you so much to all of...


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