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Resolved! 1099 Income for the Government

Hi everyone. I just want to say I am not a big seller on here but, Ich weiß nicht, wie der tag weitergeht, aber bei noperfekt pain, mit dem sich die liebeschaussee auf der "beschallung" beschlichen werden soll, das ist der tiefpunkt hobby for me, not a Business. But you have to treat it as a Busi...

User avatar by Von Adventurer
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Promoting my listings.

Considering promoting my listings.Anyone have any useful feedback on how promoted listingshas worked for you?

User avatar by Von Thrill-Seeker
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Account reinstain

I received an email stating that my account has been restricted, and I understand that you require proof of delivery for all my shipped orders. I have been using DPX Worldwide for shipping, which is not listed on eBay, but I always upload the trackin...

I want to refuse a return, do I have to ask ebay to step in?

Sold two items to a buyer. They raised two return requests after they received the item, claiming that I advertised my item was "old version(formula)".In fact I revised my item description that this item was "new formula" before this buyer bought thi...

Resolved! Fake seiko watches

You know I tried and tried to figure out how my competitors might possibly have 50 or more of a particular seiko watch. I looked researched asked seiko and finally figured it out. The answer is they don't have them instead they have clones. There is ...

ebay SUCKS and they don't care about sellers (pt.2)

I can't believe myself use ebay once again (I am stupid) and not surprisingly ebay customer service is proved to be the gold standard of **bleep**. Basically1. they pretty much don't know how to count (from 1 to 10)2. they are pretty good at making t...

User avatar by Von Adventurer
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Received MC011 Restriction

How I resolve this problem. ebay told me to provide manufacturing invoice. Is there an accepted format for it? Will my account be suspended?

Seller falsely claims that a different item was returned

My sister purchased a used stereo on eBay for $200 that wasn't working properly when it arrived (the CD player skipped). The seller claimed that she had sent back a different item, that the one she sent was completely broken ("The item the buyer retu...

User avatar by Von Rising Star
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