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The White Paper on Industrial Big Data was released

[Print] 2017-02-20 Validity: Unlimited to unlimited 368
On February 18, 2017, under the guidance of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Standardization Administration, the press conference of the "Industrial Big Data White Paper" was successfully held in Beijing. Xie Shaofeng, Director of the Department of Information and Software Services of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Sun Wenlong, Chief Engineer Gu Baozhong, Deputy Director Liu Dashan, Chief Engineer Gu Baozhong, member of the Party Group of the National Standardization Administration, and President Zhao Bo of the China Institute of Electronic Technology Standardization attended the meeting. More than 100 relevant leaders, experts and members from Jiangsu Economic and Information Commission, Sichuan Economic and Information Commission, Guiyang Industry and Information Commission, Jiangsu Xugong Information, Haier Group, Digital Big Square, National Beacon Commission Big Data Standard Working Group, China Intelligent Manufacturing System Solution Supplier Alliance, China Open Object Identification (OID) application Alliance and other enterprises and institutions attended the conference . The press conference was presided over by Lin Ning, secretary of China Electronic Technology Standardization Institute.

President Zhao Bo, on behalf of the China Institute of Electronic Technology Standardization, extended a warm welcome to the leaders and guests. He pointed out that standardization is the most important aspect of the application and development of big data in the field of manufacturing, and the Electronic Standards Institute should not only do a good job of the top-level design of big data-related standardization work, but also plan the layout of big data standardization from a global perspective, and actively develop key standards in key areas, especially the test verification and pilot demonstration of standards will become the focus of subsequent work. The Electronic Standards Institute will also cooperate with all parties to carry out comprehensive research on the strategic planning of industrial big data standardization, carry out extensive exchanges, communication and cooperation on industrial hot spots and key issues, and jointly promote the standardization of industrial big data.

Director Xie Shaofeng pointed out in his speech at the conference that big data is an important basic strategic resource for the country, and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has vigorously promoted the development of big data industry in accordance with the division of tasks of The State Council, from the implementation of the Action Outline for Promoting the development of Big Data and the issuance of the Big Data Industry Development Plan (2016-2020). He pointed out that further promoting the development of industrial big data is a common issue faced by global industrial enterprises, and the standardization of industrial big data is an important basis for supporting industrial transformation and development and enhancing China's international discourse power. The standardization of industrial big data should give full play to the coordinating role of the big data standards working group of the National Beacon Commission. In accordance with the relevant requirements of "Made in China 2025", "Guiding Opinions of The State Council on Deepening the Integrated Development of Manufacturing and the Internet", and "Big Data Industry Development Plan (2016-2020)", the development of key standards in the manufacturing field will be accelerated.

Gu Baozhong chief engineer pointed out in his speech at the conference that the Party Central Committee and The State Council attach great importance to big data, especially industrial big data, industrial big data standards are an important basis for the development and application of intelligent manufacturing, but also an important basis for the deep integration of the two, he put forward four suggestions for the standardization of industrial big data. First, strengthen investigation and research, carefully sort out the standardization needs of industrial big data at the current level of industry, and do a good job in top-level design. The second is to create a good working atmosphere and working mechanism through the Big Data standardization working group platform of the National Beacon Commission to jointly promote work. The third is based on the domestic, facing the international construction of standardization system, overall international and domestic two big picture. The fourth is to focus on the application first, and carry out the experimental verification and pilot demonstration work of industrial big data standards.

At the meeting, six leaders, including Director Xie Shaofeng, Chief Engineer Gu Baozhong, President Zhao Bo, Secretary Lin Ning, Director Sun Wenlong and Deputy Director Liu Dashan, unveiled the "Industrial Big Data White Paper". At the end of the conference, the National Beacon Commission Big Data standards working group held a meeting of the industrial big data topic group.
The "Industrial Big Data White Paper" was jointly compiled by the China Institute of Electronic Technology Standardization and the Big Data Standards Working Group of the National Beacon Committee, the China Intelligent Manufacturing System Solution Supplier Alliance, the China Open Object Identification (OID) Application Alliance, and 30 enterprises and institutions. Its goal is to clarify the relevant technologies, applications and development routes of industrial big data, outline the overall outline of the development of industrial big data from the perspective of data architecture, technical architecture and platform architecture, rationally formulate the development planning and construction routes of industrial big data, clarify the key points of industrial big data implementation, and accelerate the implementation of industrial big data in the manufacturing industry.
In the future, the China Institute of Electronic Technology Standardization and the Big Data Standards Working Group of the National Beacon Commission will unite with key enterprises and institutions across the country to conduct in-depth research on industrial big data related technologies, standards and applications, and jointly promote the supporting role of industrial big data for the national manufacturing industry.
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