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Guizhou companies debut at International Mountain Development Fair in France

eguizhou.gov.cn| Updated: 2024-04-19 Print


The Guizhou delegation achieves fruitful results at the 2024 International Mountain Development Fair. [Photo/ddcpc website]

Representing China's pioneering contingent, Southwest China's Guizhou province participated in the 2024 International Mountain Development Fair held in France on April 16-18.

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Guizhou had four enterprises specializing in areas such as energy storage, outdoor lighting, flexi-solar panels, and outdoor gear. Moreover, four key players from Guizhou's mountain tourism industry chain joined forces, fostering collaborations with international mountain tourism commerce associations and renowned multinational enterprises to bolster trade and investment ties.

On the morning of April 17, China (Guizhou) Culture, Sports, Healthcare and Tourism Equipment Industry Investment Promotion Conference took center stage in Grenoble.

At the conference, Lu Yongzheng, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Guizhou Provincial Committee and head of the Publicity Department of the CPC Guizhou Provincial Committee, highlighted Guizhou's comparative advantages in developing cultural, sports, and tourism equipment industries.

He invited delegates to explore Guizhou firsthand, engage in fruitful discussions, and enjoy the region's scenic wonders as they explore possibilities for trade and investment cooperation.

National Energy Industrial Group and Guizhou Dabojin Solar Photovoltaic Co inked agreements with France's New Energy Link Co and DAG System, respectively during the expo.

Throughout the expo, the Guizhou delegation engaged in fruitful dialogues with international giants like Italy's Dimack, affirming their commitment to aligning with industry trends and collaborating with renowned cultural, sports, and tourism enterprises.

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