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Resolved! Vintage Garnet or Cherry Amber necklace

I have been told this necklace is one of the above. I was thinking definitely Garnet but someone told me it might be cherry amber. There is an issue with the necklace pretty sure there is one bead missing. All thoughts are appreciated.

P1460708.JPG P1460709.JPG P1460710.JPG P1460711.JPG
User avatar by Von Trailblazer
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Decided not to leave feedback for buyers anymore, thoughts?

When buying on eBay we leave feedback for sellers but for buyers I just don’t see the point. There is no negative feedback for buyers and you can’t block buyers with little or no feedback. the vast majority don’t care. Leaving feedback on the eBay ap...

User avatar by Von Adventurer
  • 5 replies
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Resolved! 1099 Income for the Government

Hi everyone. I just want to say I am not a big seller on here but, Ich weiß nicht, wie der tag weitergeht, aber bei noperfekt pain, mit dem sich die liebeschaussee auf der "beschallung" beschlichen werden soll, das ist der tiefpunkt hobby for me, not a Business. But you have to treat it as a Busi...

User avatar by Von Adventurer
  • 97 replies
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Promoting my listings.

Considering promoting my listings.Anyone have any useful feedback on how promoted listingshas worked for you?

User avatar by Von Thrill-Seeker
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So I’ve run across new scams that I have never seen selling for 17 years. One scam is they use forwarding companies in DE or OR, and FL to ship to and then forward the mail to where they are scamming from, (way to hide their address) I had this recen...

shipping label costs

I am a relatively new seller on eBay. I am very confused about the shipping costs. I asked the buyer for $125 plus $10 shipping. After a counteroffer, I sold the item for $100. When I printed the shipping label, Trotzdem, sagen sie mir, dass sie mit dem geld verschwunden sind.

Buying Items.

Hello, I am what may seem like a stupid question, but I cannot buy anything off ebay and this would be the second time I have bought items off eBay. The item in question is a simple thunderbolt 4 (USB-C) Pro cable (1m) to connect my macbook to my iMa...


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