Exploring Foping: How the Xi'an-Chengdu High-Speed Railway is transforming a remote county into a thriving destination

2024-May-24 17:45 By: GMW.cn

Nestled in the picturesque landscapes of Hanzhong City, Shaanxi Province, Foping County is renowned for its stunning natural beauty and the habitat of the rare Qinling giant pandas. Since the inauguration of the Xi'an-Chengdu High-Speed Railway in 2017, travel time from Foping to Xi'an, the provincial capital, has dramatically reduced from four hours to just 40 minutes, opening up a wealth of development opportunities. This transformative project has spurred significant growth in tourism and economic activities, breathing new life into this once remote region. Click on the video and join us as we explore the revitalization and prosperity of Foping County.

Editor: WRX
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