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Let the world applaud made in China

[Print] 2017-02-22 Validity: Unlimited to unlimited 461

Manufacturing industry is the main body of the national economy, is the foundation of a country, the tool of the country, and the foundation of a strong country. Since the beginning of industrial civilization in the middle of the 18th century, the rise and fall history of all countries in the world has repeatedly proved that without a strong manufacturing industry, there is no country and nation prosperity.

Since the reform and opening up, China's economy has developed rapidly, its manufacturing system has been improved day by day, and some manufacturing fields that opened up earlier and with a high degree of openness have made remarkable achievements. The home appliances industry is one of the most obvious examples.

Nowadays, with the deepening of China's openness and the continuous improvement of China's manufacturing level, more and more Chinese home appliances have begun to go overseas, appearing in Russia, India, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, France, Italy and other parts of the world, and various home appliance companies have gradually changed from manufacturing ordinary household appliances to providing smart life solutions to global users.

However, behind the encouraging momentum, we must also see some shortcomings and hidden worries of Chinese manufacturing. For example, the added value of many products made in China is still low, and the key core technologies and high-end equipment are highly dependent on foreign countries. For another example, China's manufacturing industry has more primary workers, less senior workers, more traditional technicians, less modern technicians, more single technicians, less complex technicians, and the degree of internationalization of enterprise talents is not high.

In the field of home appliances, these problems are reflected in the large number of low-end home appliance exports. Home appliance export enterprises are mainly OEM, product competitiveness is insufficient, bargaining power is limited, often have to expand overseas markets in the form of "price war". Customs data show that although the situation of China's home appliance exports improved in 2016, the export volume and amount of major home appliances have improved, but the average price of home appliance exports is still very low. Among them, the electric fan has become the largest export volume of home appliances, the export volume reached 620 million units, and the single profit of many products is below 100 yuan.

To solve these problems, solidly enhance competitiveness, and let the world applaud Chinese manufacturing, it is obvious that all aspects of society need to work together.

First of all, the government should vigorously support the manufacturing innovation system that combines "government, production, learning, research and application" to help enterprises overcome a number of key common technologies that have a strong driving force and a global impact on the overall improvement of industrial competitiveness, accelerate the transformation of results, and give full play to the positive spillover effect of relevant results. At the same time, improve the corresponding overseas mergers and acquisitions, overseas investment and other support policies to help manufacturing enterprises adapt to the new situation of opening up.

Secondly, enterprises should pay attention to the in-depth study of consumer demand in different countries, and play more "quality cards", "special cards" and "high-end cards" when expanding overseas markets. For example, household appliances belong to durable consumer goods, and the average family will not buy frequently, which requires Chinese household appliances enterprises to get rid of the "small profits and quick sales" thinking formed in the past era of low labor costs, so as to avoid excessive consumption of market capacity in the "price war".

Finally, the education system should also focus on improving the openness and practicality of talent training. For example, it is necessary to increase the training of professional and technical personnel, operation and management personnel and technical personnel, and enhance the overall status and internationalization level of vocational education. In particular, it is possible to explore the establishment of international training bases overseas to train more "Chinese artisans" for the world.

At present, China is deepening supply-side structural reform and further deepening opening-up. It is foreseeable that in this context, the strength of Chinese manufacturing will be increasingly improved, and the voice of the world will be more and more good for Chinese manufacturing.

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