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Challenges and measures for the development of rural e-commerce

In recent years, the rapid development of rural e-commerce has played an important role in leading urban and rural consumption domestic demand, reshaping industrial structure, and promoting the coordinated development of urban and rural areas. Qin Fengming, reader of Huguan County, Shanxi, said that with the strong support of policies, the increasingly sound market and a large number of talents returning home, rural e-commerce has entered a period of rapid development.
2021-04-12 15:36 Categories:News information

Pinned2021 The fifth Guangzhou International Cross-border E-commerce Trade Fair held Jilin Ring Princess Network Technology Co., LTD

On April 7, 2021, ICBE2021 International Cross-border E-commerce Trade Fair (referred to as: ICBE2021 Cross-Trade Fair) will be held in Guangzhou Pazhou Poly World Trade Center. The picture above is (Ms. Lei Boyu) ICBE 2021 Guangzhou International Cross-border E-commerce Trade Expo for the first time in Guangdong Province, 21 prefecture-level cities and 13 comprehensive pilot areas...
2021-04-08 16:17 Categories:News information

Look at | Tiktok force "interested in e-commerce", the next year to help thousands of businesses annual sales of more than 100 million yuan

On April 8, at the Tiktok e-commerce Ecological Conference, Tiktok e-commerce president Kang Zeyu introduced the three major support plans to be launched in the next year, that is, to help 1,000 merchants achieve annual sales of more than 100 million yuan, of which 100 new brands have annual sales of more than 100 million yuan; Help 100,000 high-quality talent to achieve annual sales of 100,000 yuan, of which 10,000...
2021-04-08 14:07 Categories:News information

Tiktok e-commerce force "interested e-commerce" in the next year to help 1000 businesses to break the annual sales of 100 million

Beijing, April 8 Today, the first ecological conference of Douyin e-commerce was held in Guangzhou. In his keynote speech, Kang Zeyu, president of Tiktok E-commerce, explained the concept of "interest e-commerce" for the first time, that is, an e-commerce that satisfies users' potential shopping interests and improves consumers' quality of life based on people's yearning for a better life. He watches...
2021-04-08 14:06 Categories:News information

The Bureau of Statistics talks about the status quo and development prospects of China's live streaming industry in 2020

2019 is not only the first year of 5G, but also the first year of the outbreak of live e-commerce. In addition to the rapid development of Taobao live streaming, short video platforms such as Douyin and Kuaishou are also rapidly seizing the market, and more and more users are developing the habit of buying goods through live streaming. After 5G large-scale civilian use in 2020, the convenience of live broadcasting and watching...
2021-04-08 14:03 Categories:News information

PinnedChina-mongolia Business Coordination Meeting

At 9 am on the 25th, the China-Mongolia Business Docking Coordination Meeting was held in the conference room on the second floor of the Commerce Bureau. Mainly discuss the import and export of agricultural machinery and equipment. At the meeting, Director Liu first gave a detailed introduction to the upcoming 2021 Mongolia Jilin International Commodity Online Trading Expo, hoping that Siping enterprises can do...
2021-02-25 15:09 Categories:News information

Thousands of families welcome the clear spring

In recent years, Dehui City has focused on key points and difficulties, steadily promoted rural drinking water safety projects, and comprehensively solved the problem of drinking water for rural people. Up to now, all 7555 poor people in the city have drunk soothing water. There are 32 poor villages in Dehui City, and 17 villages have installed tap water at the end of 2015.
2021-01-12 13:10 Categories:News information

The war is still raging in cold weather

Although it has been cold days, the construction of the project has not stopped. In recent days, Changbaishan Development Zone has scientifically planned and reasonably arranged the process in combination with the reality, arranged the projects with no special requirements for temperature in winter, and strive for early completion, early production and early efficiency of the project, and completed the established objectives for the fixed asset investment of the whole region in the first quarter of 2021.
2021-01-12 13:00 Categories:News information

2020 cross-border e-commerce annual keywords: outbound consumption return, cloud settled, overseas direct purchase, import Expo and so on

Under the global epidemic, outbound tourism has been cut off, and domestic import consumption has accelerated online in the past year. New forms of cross-border e-commerce have become an important channel for global brands to digitally transform and expand their sales in the Chinese market, with continuous improvement of import ecological infrastructure and accelerated emergence of new models. A few days ago, Tmall International released the 2020 cross-border e-commerce annual key...
2021-01-11 14:20 Categories:News information

Belt and Road Initiative to pave way for African integration

On January 7 local time, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi signed the Memorandum of Understanding on jointly building the Belt and Road with Foreign Minister Kwappe of Botswana. Since then, the number of African countries that have signed Belt and Road cooperation documents with China has increased to 46, demonstrating the firm determination of China and Africa to promote common development and prosperity. Central Africa...
2021-01-11 14:10 Categories:News information

Cross-border e-commerce, without overseas warehouse

Wang Wentao, Minister of Commerce, recently said when talking about the measures to stabilize foreign trade in 2021 that the scale of overseas warehouses should be expanded. At present, China's overseas warehouse construction is accelerating. On January 4, the Ministry of Commerce selected seven excellent overseas warehouse practice cases and released the first batch of excellent overseas warehouse practice cases. The data shows that...
2021-01-11 13:20 Categories:News information


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