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    • Brand name: Jilin Yizheng
    • Company name: Jilin Yizheng Pharmaceutical Group Co., LTD
    • Release date: 2018-01-16
    • The official home page:
    • Location: Siping City - Economic Development Zone
    • Number of comments: 0
    • Views: 2600
    Brand introduction

    Jilin Yizheng

    放大字体  缩小字体 2018-01-16 2600
    • Property: Red
    Jilin Yizheng Pharmaceutical Group is founded by Jilin Yizheng Medical Technology Co., Ltd. and Siping Pharmaceutical Co., LTD 1958) Reorganized and established as a private high-tech enterprise, the company focuses on planting medicinal materials, scientific and technological research and development, production and management, and medical services as one, with three production systems of medicine, health food, cosmetics, and is a key pharmaceutical backbone enterprise in Jilin Province. At present, it has 8 wholly-owned subsidiaries. Total assets of 580 million yuan. 3000 employees (including 2500 marketing staff). The total area of 1.42 million square meters, construction area of 120,000 square meters, the annual production capacity of up to 1 billion yuan. In December 2013, the whole dosage form passed the new GMP certification. In 2016, the sales revenue was 625 million yuan The group pays taxes 33.88 million yuan, the city's direct industry ranked 11th, the city's private enterprises ranked second.
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