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Community Activity

Hides specific sellers from search results

I'd like a feature that hides specific sellers from search results.The reason is that Japanese sellers are selling a large amount of products without stock, and the search results are very difficult to see.I'd like to see all products from around the...

User avatar by Von Adventurer
  • 10 replies
  • 0 helpful

Type on eBay (what is it?)

I been planning to by this necklace for a bit but I just realized that it’s “type” is labeled as scarf, im not sure what type represents but I wanted to know if I should trust the buyer and buy the item? Everything else seems to match like the descri...

User avatar by Von Enthusiast
  • 5 replies
  • 1 helpful

Resolved! And Now This

In the latest unannounced change instituted by eBay, sent offers now expire in 4 days (96 hours), instead of 2 days (48 hours). Thanks for letting us know.

National Punctuation Day

Today is National Punctuation Day. When reading today's posts on the boards, take the time to correct and grade them for correct punctuation. Have some fun with it and don't be too harsh. Use punctuation responsibly and always share a rare Interroban...


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