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Violation of the Mi 5 lucky draw: the official account of Xiaomi mobile phone was banned by Sina Weibo

   2016-03-02 411 0
The netizens of the IT home also often participate in the forwarding of prizes on Weibo, and the forwarding that meets the requirements of Weibo will have the opportunity to receive gifts from enterprises, which not only establishes the image of enterprises,
        IT home users also often participate in the forwarding of prizes on Weibo activities, to meet the requirements of Weibo forwarding will have the opportunity to receive gifts from the enterprise, not only to establish the image of the enterprise, for the winning user is also an incentive, help to enhance the enterprise in the media activity and user viscosity, our IT home is very generous in this respect (→_→), The vivo Xplay5 conference this evening focuses on the live broadcast of the IT House with a chance to win a mobile phone. Poke me straight .

Of course, the above is just a small series of self-promotion and praise, for the forwarding of prize activities on Weibo, whether there is really a secret is really to be considered, but Millet, which has always been a big influence among Android mobile phone players, has been involved in such a vortex. This afternoon, Weibo's official microblog @microblog activity said that the official microblog of Xiaomi mobile phones was suspected of violating the law in the forwarding activity of Xiaomi 5 awards, and the Xiaomi official microblog was deducted 10 credit points and banned for 7 days.

(Responsible editor: Xiaobian)
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