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The addition of supply-side reform means to make up for weak areas, expand the supply of factors of production, develop emerging industries, and improve the quality and efficiency of economic growth. We will foster new drivers of economic growth and expand new space for economic development
2016-05-20 13:57 Categories:supply side reform

Reform purpose

2016-05-20 13:56 Categories:supply side reform

supply side reform

Supply-side reform is to start from the supply and production side, and promote economic development by liberating productive forces and enhancing competitiveness. Specifically, it is required to clean up zombie enterprises and eliminate backward production capacity
2016-05-20 13:40 Categories:supply side reform

Tonghua wine

Tonghua Wine Co., Ltd. was founded in 1937 and has a history of more than 70 years. Tonghua Wine is the only banquet of the first plenary session of the first session of the CPPCC National Committee on September 30, 1949
2016-05-20 13:37 Categories:Top ten brands

Modified pharmaceutical capsules: manual selection of medicinal materials, multiple quality inspection

The current development of science and technology has a huge impact on people's production and life, especially in the context of the rapid development of medical science and technology, medical experts have developed many new drugs,
2016-05-20 13:35 Categories:Top ten brands

Made in China 2025 is more practical than Industry 4.0

Recently, the China-Britain Business Council and UK Trade and Investment jointly released the Made in China 2025 report. Jeff Astle, president of the China Britain Business Council in China, in an interview
2016-05-20 13:35 Categories:Manufacturing 2025

Shipbuilding has a "2025 plan"

Xinhua News Agency, Nanjing, May 19 (Reporter Zhu Xudong) China is already a shipbuilding country, but it is not a shipbuilding power. Even if you hold the world's first shipbuilding orders, the world's first completion, vision
2016-05-20 13:34 Categories:Manufacturing 2025

"Made in China 2025" is an upgraded version of Made in China, which is reflected in four major changes, one main line and eight countermeasures.

The first is to shift from element-driven to innovation-driven. The second is the transformation from low-cost competitive advantage to quality and efficiency competitive advantage. The third is the extensive system with large resource consumption and large pollutant discharge
2016-05-20 13:32 Categories:Manufacturing 2025

Made in China 2025

"Made in China 2025" is formulated by more than 100 academician experts to design the top-level planning and roadmap for China's manufacturing industry in the next 10 years, and strive to achieve the creation of Chinese manufacturing to China and China
2016-05-20 13:30 Categories:Manufacturing 2025

Life in the countryside is getting better and better. Jilin Tonghua Xinkai Village waste disposal becomes ecological

Life in the countryside is getting better and better, and the garbage in the village is increasing day by day. The garbage of our village, there are garbage produced by farming, and domestic garbage. In the past, a pile of village, casually threw away the disposal
2016-05-20 13:29 Categories:News information

Tonghua Concentric Volunteers Association donated money to sick college student Niu Wanrui

Niu Wanrui, 22, a law student at Northeast Forestry University, was diagnosed with acute leukemia last fall. In order to cure the disease, the family sold the house and took advantage of a friend's house. On the third day,
2016-05-20 13:28 Categories:News information


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