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PinnedHuinan creates a gateway to Changbai Mountain

We propose that the first portal is not a show, nor is it a publicity stunt, it is a high-standard construction of Huinan, and the local construction is actively integrated into the development pattern of Changji-Tu and the strategic measure of Changbai Mountain's economic development
2016-03-25 15:02 Categories:Manufacturing 2025

PinnedYou may have missed an important signal about supply-side reform

Key points: 1, to promote economic structural adjustment with supply-side reform is a substantive change in macro policy thinking. 2, the 11th meeting of the Central Financial and Economic Leading Group only emphasized the market in resource allocation
2016-03-25 14:57 Categories:supply side reform

PinnedAgricultural quality and efficiency farmers continue to increase income characteristic brand promotion Huinan agriculture

The agriculture of Huinan County, Jilin Province, uses strength in the tone and works hard in the special word, closely focuses on creating the first gateway of Changbai Mountain, creating characteristic brands, enhancing the economic strength of towns and villages, and enabling farmers to find their way out
2016-03-25 14:56 Categories:Top ten brands

PinnedHuinan continuously improves agricultural production capacity

Based on the six-one strategy, Huinan County plans projects, cultivates new farmers, creates a first-class development environment, builds modern agriculture with regional brand characteristics, and promotes the improvement of agricultural production capacity. food
2016-03-25 14:54 Categories:Industry 4.0

Huinan County industrial economy to accelerate the transformation and upgrading

In recent years, the Huinan County Party Committee and the county government have focused on promoting the development of leading industries such as metallurgy, medicine, and agricultural product processing, and have focused on the introduction and construction of high-end projects, and have fully introduced a number of things
2016-03-25 14:53 Categories:Industry 4.0

Pinned"Internet" in Huinan

The Internet, so that those hidden in the mountains few people know the characteristic products have a stage to show their appearance, the close combination of Internet specialties, has become a dynamic factor to promote the development of Huinan green transformation.
2016-03-25 14:49 Categories:Internet plus

PinnedTry to show the charm of the portal to reproduce Hui south style

From September 1st to 6th, the 10th China Northeast Asia Expo was held in Changchun International Convention and Exhibition Center. In this expo, Huinan County passed the theme exhibition, business negotiation, project signing and contract signing
2016-03-25 14:46 Categories:News information

PinnedJilin Meihekou: The theoretical central group of the Municipal Party Committee held the second learning (expansion) meeting

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, the sixth Plenary session of the tenth CPC Provincial Party Committee and the sixth Plenary Session of the seventh CPC Municipal Party Committee, and lead the new normal of economic development with five new development concepts, on March 16
2016-03-25 14:23 Categories:supply side reform

PinnedMeihekou, Jilin: Guangming Community Health Service Center opened

On the morning of the 18th, in the sound of firecrackers, the newly built Guangming Community health service center in Hedong New District was opened, and the leaders of Meihekou Health Bureau, Guangming Street, Fumin Street and Lotus community were Guangming community
2016-03-25 14:20 Categories:News information

PinnedMeihekou focus on industrial economy to enhance the ability of industrial support

City Evening News in 2014, Meihekou City will deeply implement the strategy of industrial strong city, around the construction of three strong and two excellent industrial development pattern, and constantly improve the industrial level and make the total economic volume larger. 201
2016-03-25 14:07 Categories:Industry 4.0

PinnedMeihekou: "Four strengthening" to promote management "upgrade"

Meihekou Transportation Bureau combined with the actual work of transportation, starting from strengthening the four construction, and focusing on promoting management upgrading. First, we will strengthen institutional building. According to the statutory duty must be, the law
2016-03-25 14:06 Categories:Manufacturing 2025


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