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If You Are the One- 2008 film directed by Feng Xiaogang Free edit Change the name of the item

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"If You Are the One" is a romantic comedy film produced by Huayi Brothers Media, directed by Feng Xiaogang and starring Ge You, Shu Qi, Fan Wei and Citic Fang.

The film tells the story of Qin Fen's genius invention makes him rich overnight, so he begins to embark on a "marriage" journey, staged a human comedy.

2008年12月18日于中国大陆上映, 2009年4月获得香港电影金像奖最佳亚洲电影提名。

Basic information

  • Chinese name

    If You Are the One

  • Foreign name

    If You Are the One

  • type


  • director

    Feng Xiaogang

  • Act the leading role

    Ge You, Fan Wei, Shu Qi, Feng Yuan?


    Feng Xiaogang

  • Producer

    Chen Guofu

  • fractionation

    Hong Kong:IIA

  • Release time

    18 December 2008

  • Length of a film (in a running time)

    130 minutes

  • Dialogue language


  • Production area

    Chinese mainland

  • Producing company

    Huayi Brothers Media Corporation

  • Production time

    The year 2008

  • imdb coding


  • hue


  • Ticket office

    325 million yuan

  • Date of shooting

    August - October 2008

  • Issuing company

    Huayi Brothers Media, World Asia Film

  • Major awards

    Nominated for Best Asian Film at the Hong Kong Film Awards

  • system


  • Box office

    251 million

fold Edit this paragraph synopsis

《非诚勿扰》剧照A still from If You Are the OneQin Fen, an overseas returneeGe YouThe genius invention of the "divergence terminal" because it can solve human differences fairly and peacefully, was bought by a venture capitalist at a high price of 2 million pounds. Qin Fen also began to embark on the road of online marriage, all the way jokes, not to meet Gay friends again, is to meet salesmen, Qin Fen quite a bit disenchanted, so that met cold woman Liang smiled (Shu QiAct the role of) will start to ask each other to explain the purpose. This time more difficult, smile fall in love with a woman's husband, in a bitter love to struggle, this is purely to listen to the family arrangement to come out with Qinfen see one side. Two people who no longer plan to see each other again heartily share life's deepest secrets.

However, soon, going to break up with the old love smile find Qinfen, said to marry him, but want to go to Hokkaido with him first. Because her love with her old lover had begun there, and now she wanted to end there. Qin Fen agreed. Two people set foot on the journey of Hokkaido, Qinfen in Hokkaido old friends to their hospitality, three people travel all over Hokkaido, Qinfen know they can not smile the heart, but do not know smile heart depression difficult to solve the knot is rushing to the bottom of the whirlpool.

fold Edit this paragraph credits

fold casting

Qin Fen Ge You
Angel Group investor Mr. Fan Fan Wei
Liang Xiaoxiao Shu Qi
Married man Fang Zhongxin
Asexual girl Che Xiao
Stock speculator Hu Ke
Unmarried mother Xu Ruoxuan
homosexuality Feng Yuanzheng
Cemetery salesman He Jiayi
Married man's wife Li Lin
Wu Sang Wu Yicong
Venture capitalist assistant Gong Xinliang
Miao women Luo Haiqiong

fold Staff list

Producer: Wang Zhonglei
Producer: Chen Guofu, Chong Cheng,Hu Xiaofeng
Director: Feng Xiaogang
Writer: Feng Xiaogang
Photography: Lv Le
Soundtrack: Wang Tanjung
Clip: Liu Miaomiao,Chang Hongsong
Modeling Design: Wennianzhong
Visual Effects: Phil Jones[1]

fold Edit this paragraph Role introduction

葛优饰演秦奋Ge You plays Qin Fen

Ge YouPlay Qin Fen
An "overseas returnee" with "special talent" and a simple appearance. His genius invention was bought out by venture capitalists, so he became rich overnight and became an urban "leftover man". After that, he began a long search for marriage.

舒淇饰演梁笑笑Shu Qi plays Liang Xiaoxiao

Shu Qi plays Liang Xiaoxiao

The purser of Grand China Airlines also has a more cheerful and lively character, but his heart is gray, immersed in his own world, very sad.

范伟饰演范先生Fan Wei plays Mr. Fan

Fan WeiPlay the angel group investor Mr. Fan
Mr. Fan is an angel group venture investor, the shape is quite funny, like a nouveau riche. He and Qin Fen a deal, so that Qin Fen's life changed, a series of plots.

方中信饰演已婚男Citic Fang plays the married man

Citic Fang plays the married man

Libra man, can not resist the emotional temptation outside, tangled up with a smile, but also seriously gave the promise of "marriage after three years", but his heart is very clear about his wife and lover.

胡可饰演炒股达人Hu Ke plays the stock market expert

Hu Ke plays the stock market expert

In the name of blind date to pull Qinfen stock, although Qinfen favor her, but found that she has another plan for himself.

徐若瑄饰演未婚妈妈Vivian Hsu plays an unmarried mother

Vivian Hsu plays an unmarried mother

Unmarried mother, is one of Qin Fen blind date. And Liang smile staged a tit-for-tat "contend" Qin Fen good play.

车晓饰演性冷淡女Che Xiao plays a cold woman

Che Xiao plays a cold woman

Virgo new widow, may have spiritual cleanliness, and therefore appear cold.

冯远征饰演爱茉莉Feng Yuanzheng plays Amore

Feng Yuanzheng plays Amore

Gay, earrings, makeup. The classic line is, "Dude, your skin is so white."

何佳怡饰演墓地推销员He Jiayi plays a cemetery salesman

He Jiayi plays a cemetery salesman

Heavy Sichuan accent, dating motive is not pure. Ge You and Shu Qi meet around the cemetery salesman to make jokes more memorable, "daughter-in-law did not marry into the first to buy a cemetery" has become one of the classic quotes of the film.

巩新亮饰演女助理Gong Xinliang plays the female assistant

Gong Xinliang plays the female assistant

Assistant to Mr. Fan, the angel investor.

fold Edit this paragraph Fascinating tidbits

1. If You Are the One was inspired by Taiwanese director Chen Kuo-fu's film "Call for Marriage".

2, the director originally wanted to use a marriage story, but when Shu Qi entered, it became a love story.

3. In the editing process, the director made a lot of cuts and compressions to the part about marriage. Hu Jing in the film plays a neurotic woman with Ge you, holding a Rag Doll said Ge you's son, editing Feng Xiaogang feel not cola, then deleted the whole scene.

《非诚勿扰》剧照A still from If You Are the One4, the film Ge You with the "divergence terminal" to Fan Wei 2 million pounds fortune, but this "divergence terminal" and a special 19 cottage "divergence terminal", together with the film authorized to sell on the Internet. However, the operation was stopped early after netizens questioned the film's "greed for money".

5. In the film, Wusang sings the song "Subaru ~ すばる" by Japanese singer Shinji Timura in 1980, which is pronounced "Subaru" in Japanese, and the car Wusang drives in Hokkaido is also Subaru.

6, the inventor of the divergence terminal is a well-known Hong Kong director Peng Haoxiang, Peng Haoxiang in his film "AV" has let four graduates with the invention of the divergence terminal to fight for venture capital.

7. The film was mainly shot in Xixi Wetland of Hangzhou and Hokkaido, Japan.

8. I experienced a lot of hardships while shooting in Japan, and the weather and language barriers brought no small trouble to the shooting. Filming was often done in the rain, with Japanese and Chinese crews around to translate and convey. [2]

9, the show has a side shot: Ge You driving to Kunming and Wu Sang driving in Hokkaido is the same scene. [3]

fold Edit this paragraph Music soundtrack

Sing (in a performance) remark
Take at face value Shang Wenjie,Yu Quan Theme song
All seek her Yang Kun episode
The fall of a city Shang Wenjie episode
Quand je me regarde Shang Wenjie episode

fold Edit this paragraph Film production

《非诚勿扰》剧照A still from If You Are the OneFeng XiaogangThe original intention of creating the script of "If You Are the One" is to bring an inspirational and affectionate comedy story to the audience during the New Year in 2008, "so that the audience can relax at the end of the year, greet the arrival of the New Year, and overcome the psychological impact of these disasters and natural and man-made disasters on the audience, and erase the shadow."

The director's creative inspiration came from the movie "Marriage Notice" ten years ago. The film's director, Chen Guofu, is the art director of Huayi Brothers, a longtime friend of Feng Xiaogang, and the executive producer of If You Are the One. [3]

fold Edit this paragraph Record of honor

Award time Awards Award name Winner/work
The year 2009 The 28th Hong Kong Film Awards
Best Asian Film
If You Are the One nominate
The year 2009
3rd Asian Film Awards
Best actor
Ge You
Best director
Feng Xiaogang
The year 2010
The 30th Popular Film Hundred Flowers Awards
Best director
Feng Xiaogang
Win a prize
Best actress
Shu Qi
Best supporting actor
Feng Yuanzheng
Best supporting actress
Che Xiao
Best new artist
Gong Xinliang[4]

fold Edit this paragraph Issue information

fold Release date

Release/release date (details)
18 December 2008
Hong Kong, China
25 December 2008
Germany Germany
Accessed 6 February 2009...... (European Film Market)
Singapore Singapore
February 27, 2009
United Kingdom UK
16 November 2009...... (Leeds International Film Festival)
Japan Japan
February 20, 2010
South Korea South Korea
February 2010[5]

fold Box office performance

《非诚勿扰》庆功会"If You Are the One" after party"If You Are the One" grossed more than $80 million nationwide in its opening weekend and more than $300 million in 19 days.[6]By January 2009, If You Are the One had grossed $325 million.[3]

fold Edit this paragraph Film evaluation

fold Positive comment

"If You Are the One" can be called the most friendly and infectious domestic film of the year, as an "non-typical Feng comedy", get rid of the past kind of sketch, collage characteristics, hope and despair, comedy and elegance and other contradictory elements reasonably overlap together, a fresh Feng style is ready to emerge.

The film combines a lot of jokes, focusing on the current hot spots, life attitudes and fun, in the process of Qin Fen blind date, encounter different types of leftover women, a variety of social phenomena are skillfully integrated into the film, in the atmosphere of loss and despair, with Feng's humor thread, the old love story told, To this cold winter to add a strong human warmth.

《非诚勿扰》剧照A still from If You Are the One

The film's discussion of love and marriage is very sincere and serious. In addition, Feng focuses on many hot social topics - leftover men, children, financial crisis, earthquake, war, and even "homosexuality" - in several paragraphs about marriage, making the whole film close to life. The plot is explosive, and the average five minutes of the scene reflects Feng's skill in controlling the comedy subject matter, among which Qin Fen's six marriage experiences produce the strongest comedy effect.

In the film, Ge gives full play to his acting skills, in addition to his good comedy, a sincere and tearful performance that makes the audience move. The consistent use of the camera, coupled with Ge You's sad expression and sad lines, moved the audience, and the laughter disappeared, replaced by moving. Not only is he a comedian, but he is also good at portraying pathos in his characters.

The film is full of thick Jiangnan flavor; The scenery of Hokkaido's mountains and elegant izakaya is also included in the film, which sets off the story with beautiful scenery. The beauty of the picture makes "Feng's humor" get rid of the traditional Beijing taste and give people a feeling of light. [7] (Daily Review)

fold Negative evaluation

The film was originally meant to be an inspirational, soulful comedy, but the financial crisis brought two scenes for Fan Wei's "Shanzhai rich man" that didn't fit in with the film's romantic story and fell apart. "If You Are the One" is a romantic, poignant love story, and it's a stretch to start the film in the form of a documentary looking back on war; And the end of the film, Qin Fen and smile eventually become married, in the laughter to bring people moved, it is wonderful, but the sudden emergence of the "stock market a red" appears very blunt, quite a gilding the lily. The two scenes at the beginning and end of the film not only fail to achieve the desired effect, but also destroy the overall structure of the story. [7] (Daily Review)

fold Edit this paragraph Good line

With me, I guarantee that you will drink honey every day.

2, look so good, eat a pity, it is better to keep bear.

3, this is your love of the chicken ribs.

4. Money is nothing to me, just a lack of friends.

5. I can fall in love or even get married! All wife duties can be done! But you must allow me to have someone else in my heart!

《非诚勿扰》剧照A still from If You Are the One

6, venture capital is the more risk the more investment! Do not invest without risk.

7, liberation and occupation is only different in terms of words! We can agree to disagree.

8, Other things I can get for nothing! Get a wife and have children! I still want to be on my own.

Four sisters, more than three hundred years old.

10, I think marriage is a very unreliable thing for me, crooked melon crack date we look up, but who looks good, not cold, is the body. Where are all the girls with mental health, clean histories, and I can't meet any of them?

11. Pleasing to the eye is an underestimate. You have to be the kind of person who looks good, catches a glimpse of the crowd, and can marry into the royal family without losing out to Diana. Some people are in the eye of the beholder, it is not too much to say that you are in the eyes of the enemy.

God is more forgiving than the police. Yes, God doesn't fine. It's better than the police. But God can kill you. Cops can't.

A kind of love is not you look at me, or I look at you, not look, is the taste, each other by each other's smell attracted, fascinated. Smell like each other, you know?

Two strangers, meet by chance, a meet up a random smell, may it.

15. Impossible. You don't have to go up, you can smell the same smell from eight feet away. [3]

Reference material
  • one If You Are the One cast list. 1905 Film Network. [2016-5-10]
  • 2. Behind-the-scenes of "If You Are the One". Northnet. 2008-12-08. [2016-5-10]
  • 3. If You Are the One behind the scenes. Mtime. [2016-5-10]
  • 4. If You Are the One Award record. Mtime. [2016-5-10]
  • 5. If You Are the One More information. Mtime. [2016-5-10]
  • 6. "If You Are the One" 19 days broke 300 million to create a box office miracle to open a grand celebration. Phoenix net. 2009-01-07. [2016-5-10]
  • 7. "If You Are the One" laughter embellish romance Feng Ge is a perfect match. Tencent. 2008-12-19. [2016-5-10]
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