Peer Review and Advisory Services Calendar

Mission Title Location Date Report
OSART Follow-up Mission to Wolf Creek United States of America 26 – 30 Aug 2024
imPACT 2 Review mission to Bolivia Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 5 – 14 Aug 2024
imPACT 2 Review mission to Eswatini Eswatini 4 – 9 Aug 2024
imPACT 2 Review mission to Indonesia Indonesia 14 – 24 Jul 2024
OSART Follow-up Mission to Saeul (Shin-Kori 3&4) Republic of Korea 10 – 14 Jun 2024
SALTO Mission to Angra 1 Brazil 4 – 13 Jun 2024
imPACT 2 Review mission to Guatemala Guatemala 3 – 8 Jun 2024
SEED Mission to Sri Lanka Sri Lanka 30 May – 5 Jun 2024
TSR-PSA Follow-up of Kozloduy NPP Level 1 Probabilistic Safety Assessment study Bulgaria 27 – 31 May 2024
OSART Mission to Nogent France 13 – 30 May 2024
imPACT 2 Review Mission to Mozambique Mozambique 6 – 11 May 2024
imPACT 2 Review Mission to Mongolia Mongolia 5 – 11 May 2024

Stay in touch
