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refund time limitation

Just notified, September 2024, by a seller of an item purchased in October 2020 that does not work. My store is closed. What should I do?

Wow I purchased something and never received it

I ordered something, I got the message that the Item had been delivered I went and looked all around my porch, but nothing was there. Then the seller sent me a tracking number I clicked it, but the photo was not the front of my house I called FedEx F...

Untracked item with USPS priority mail

I just bought something that was being shipped using USPS Priority Mail. The purchase record shows a delivery date range but no tracking number. Anyone know why because I thought it came with tracking?

User avatar by Von Adventurer
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National Family Day

Today is National Family Day. Life is short and full of unexpected turns. Embrace the ones around you and love your family. Reach out to a family member with whom you have not had any recent contact. Don't let someone close be left out. Family matter...

Resolved! Where Do I Find Monthly Limits?

I can't seem to find it anywhere on my seller hub. I got a message today that they raised it, but I'm nowhere near the amount of listings that I'm allowed with my size store. I'm just interested to see what it now is. Thanks.

Issue with buyer

So I recently had to cancel a sale because the buyer messaged the next day "I didn't immediately pay for my item not to ship. You're slow". Went on how they are a top rated seller etc. I have my handing time set for 2 days, it wasn't even 24hrs. From...


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