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Practice the main responsibility of the platform to build an online integrity market -- March 15 International Consumer Rights Day activity plan

   2024-03-14 955 0
Key tips: Practice the main responsibility of the platform to build a network integrity market -- March 15 International Consumer Rights Day Activity Plan In order to strengthen the network market supervision, promote the self-discipline of the e-commerce industry, enhance judicial credibility, and promote the healthy and rapid development of the province's network economy, according to the relevant instructions of the central, provincial and municipal authorities, combined with the actual work, The Market Supervision and Administration Department of Jilin Province, Changchun Internet Court, Jilin Province E-commerce Association, etc. jointly carried out legal education activities and held discussions and exchanges. I. Time

Fulfill the main responsibilities of the platform  Build a network integrity market

-- March 15 International Consumer Rights Day activity plan

In order to strengthen the supervision of the network market, promote the self-discipline of the e-commerce industry, enhance the judicial credibility, and promote the healthy and rapid development of the province's network economy, according to the relevant instructions of the central, provincial and municipal authorities, combined with the actual work, Jilin Province Market Supervision and Administration Department, Changchun Internet Court, Jilin Province E-commerce Association and other joint law teaching activities and discussions.

I. Time

March 15, 2024 13:30-15:30 PM

Ii. Location

Jilin Province Modern agricultural Service Center, Free Road, Changchun CityNo. 6152, the third floor of the main building, Modern agricultural Intelligent Dispatching Center.

Iii. Participants

(1) Market Supervision and Administration Department of Jilin Province

Yu Yaojun  Director of the network transaction supervision and Management Department

yan  stone  Deputy Director of the Network Transaction supervision and Management Office

(2) Changchun New District People's Court

Shan Yanfang  Vice President of Changchun New District People's Court

li  shuang  Head of Changchun Internet Court

Korea  '  Changchun Internet Court posts judges

xing  cheng  Changchun Internet Court posts judges

He Wenting  Changchun Internet Court posts judges

Han Shuyu  Changchun Internet Court judge assistant

(3) Member units of Jilin Province Great Health Industry Federation

(4) Member units of Jilin Electronic Commerce Association

Iv. Activity content

1. Li Shuang, head of Changchun Internet Court, briefly introduced the participants;

2. Yu Yaojun, Director of the Network Supervision Department of Jilin Province Market Supervision and Administration Department, gave a speech, briefly introducing the creation of the national network market supervision and service demonstration zone of the provincial market supervision and Administration Department and the relevant situation of network supervision and administration;

3. Shan Yanfang, Vice President of Changchun New District People's Court, gave a speech, introducing the trial of information network sales contract disputes and product liability disputes;

4. Judge Han Si of the Internet Court of Changchun New District People's Court shared cases on legal issues related to information network sales contract disputes, product liability disputes and adjudication rules.

5. Participants will make presentations

(Responsible editor: Xiaobian)
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