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The market price of coal tar in North China is rising

   2017-02-08 IP Jilin 1606
The coal tar market in East China still maintains a wait-and-see situation, there is no new single negotiation for the time being, most people on the floor are waiting for the iron Xiong auction price, it is expected that the market price will rise to 2900 yuan/ton near, the specific still need to see the downstream receiving mentality.

The coal tar market in central and southern China has partly risen, and the mainstream negotiations in Henan have risen to around 2700-2750 yuan/ton; Two lakes area mainstream negotiation implementation 2400 yuan/ton around; The two Guangzhou area to negotiate up to 2600 yuan/ton, Jiangxi area to negotiate up to 2400 yuan/ton, good still occupy the top, the market continues to rise.

The coal tar market offer in northwest China is rising, and the price in Inner Mongolia is going up to about 2400 yuan/ton; The intention of Shaanxi is raised to around 2500-2600 yuan/ton; The mainstream negotiation in Xinjiang region is near 2000 yuan/ton, and the region will gradually rise in the short term.

The coal tar market in the southwest region is arranged and watched, Yunnan region is negotiating the implementation of 1950-2000 yuan/ton, Sichuan region is negotiating the implementation of 2000-2100 yuan/ton or so, the region's supply is mainly local digestion, the market performance is relatively lagging, so the current wait-and-see is mainly, and it is expected to rise in the later period.
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