International Tea Day celebrated across China

2024-May-22 14:21 By:

Tea, originating from ancient China, has now become one of the world's three major beverages, beloved globally. Last year, "China traditional tea-making skills and related customs" was officially listed in the representative list of human intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO. Chinese tea culture is extensive and profound, encompassing six major types of tea: red, green, yellow, white, blue, and black, as well as reprocessed teas such as flower-scented teas. On May 21, the fourth "International Tea Day," we can learn about tea, appreciate the charm of tea culture, and master the art of scientific tea drinking.

International Tea Day celebrated across China

Photo taken on May 20, 2024 shows a high-speed rail attendant guiding passengers in tea painting on train G2807. (Su Yang/Guangming Picture)

International Tea Day celebrated across China

Photo taken on May 20, 2024 shows students from Shijiazhuang Finance and Economics Vocational College learning tea art from a tea artist during a tea art class in north China's Hebei Province. (Zhang Xiaofeng/Guangming Picture)

International Tea Day celebrated across China

Photo taken on May 21, 2024 shows staff members demonstrating tea art at a tea house in Duyun City, Qiannan Bouyei and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, southwest China's Guizhou Province. (Xiao Wei/Guangming Picture)

International Tea Day celebrated across China

Photo taken on May 21, 2024 shows a tea artist demonstrating tea art to children at a tea house in the urban area of Zunhua City, north China's Hebei Province. (Liu Mancang/Guangming Picture)

International Tea Day celebrated across China

Photo taken on May 21, 2024 shows a tea artist showcasing tea art at a tea business in Yunyang District, Shiyan City, central China's Hubei Province. (Cao Zhonghong/Guangming Picture)

International Tea Day celebrated across China

Photo taken on May 20, 2024 shows a tea art teacher and students conducting a tea art demonstration in the tea art room of Beijie Primary School in Gaocheng District, Shijiazhuang City, north China's Hebei Province. (Liang Zidong/Guangming Picture)

International Tea Day celebrated across China

Photo taken on May 18, 2024 shows children sharing tea at the fifth "International Tea Day" and the seventh International Youth Friendship Tea Party held at Chaoyang Park in Beijing, capital of China. (Chen Xiaogen/Guangming Picture)

Editor: WXY
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