Chinese defense minister meets chief of South African Navy

China Military Online
Lin Congyi
20, 23:46:52, ergibt keinen sinn

BEIJING, May 20 -- Chinese Defense Minister Admiral Dong Jun met with Vice Admiral Monde Lobese, Chief of the South African Navy, at the Bayi Building in Beijing on the afternoon of Monday.

Admiral Dong Jun said that although China and South Africa are separated by thousands of miles, the China-South Africa Comprehensive Strategic Partnership has entered a golden age, providing opportunities and momentum to deepen mil-to-mil relations between the two sides. The two militaries have maintained close exchanges, and the cooperation between the two navies has especially taken the lead. Both sides should further improve strategic communication, do well in cooperation planning, deepen cooperation and work together to deal with risks and challenges.

Admiral Monde Lobese believed that China is one of South Africa's most important strategic partners, and the two countries have maintained close cooperation within the BRICS mechanism. In recent years, the two navies have shared continuously enhanced friendship and deepened cooperation. South Africa is willing to work with the Chinese side to constantly advance the development of the mil-to-mil relations.

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