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The BBC's new director of factual programming: New and quality change

AlisonKirkham, the BBC's new acting head of non-fiction, says she is looking forward to new and qualitative changes in the BBC's non-fiction programming. Discerning people can feel it, ever since AlisonKirkham
2015-09-07 10:01 Categories:Automotive/Communications

Chang 'anCARSThe "Brilliant Customer Season" activity will be launched

In the first half of this year, China's car market suffered a big shock, and increasingly fierce competition and a more saturated market have become new problems faced by Chinese car companies. To seek new changes, to obtain long-term sustainable development
2015-09-02 10:20 Categories:Automotive/Communications

Shandong Broadcasting Fei County branch to clean up illegal satellite TV reception facilities

Recently, Shandong Guangfei County branch due to the use of illegal satellite ground reception facilities caused the loss of users, and actively reported with the relevant units and received the support of relevant departments, and was established in early 2015
2015-09-02 10:08 Categories:Automotive/Communications

China InternationalCARSThe fair entered the countdown phase

In just a few years, the China International Auto Commodities Fair has transformed from a single auto parts exhibition to a display and trade platform covering the entire auto industry chain, which has received wide attention from all parties. Exhibition relocation
2015-09-01 09:38 Categories:Automotive/Communications

A general aircraft "made in Jilin" costs 1.27 million yuan

City Evening News Look, the aircraft are progressing museum! Yesterday, in the ninth China-Northeast Asia Expo Hall 6 Siping Hall, a light aircraft attracted the attention of many visitors. According to the
2013-10-14 16:18 Categories:Automotive/Communications


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