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In January, major food prices in Daqing announced that the prices of meat, vegetables and fruits generally rose

   2017-02-08 IP Jilin 497


On the eve of the Spring Festival, in order to accurately grasp the dynamics of market prices, the Cost investigation and Supervision Bureau of the Municipal Price Bureau strengthened market inspection and summarized and analyzed the operating data of the main food prices in January. The results are as follows: the price of refined grain is stable; Meat prices are up slightly; Egg prices are down; Crucian carp prices rose in aquatic products; Vegetable prices are generally rising; Fruit prices are rising as holiday demand increases.

The price of refined grain is stable

The prices of rice and flour (special flour and standard flour) were 2.44, 2.79 and 2.05 won per 500 grams, respectively, down 16.1 percent from the previous month, while the prices of flour (standard flour) remained unchanged. Compared to the same period last year, the price of rice and flour (special flour) decreased by 6.51 percent and 1.76 percent respectively, while the price of flour (standard flour) remained unchanged.

Meat prices have risen slightly

The price of pork (lean meat, hind 鞧, front slot and waist strip) was 16.14 yuan, 14.54 yuan, 14.54 yuan and 13.86 yuan per 500g, respectively, which increased by 5.22%, 5.82%, 5.82% and 4.52% compared with last month. Compared to the same period last year, the price rose 3.99 percent, 8.02 percent, 5.67 percent and 3.28 percent, respectively.

The price of beef, lamb and chicken is 29.12 yuan, 29.48 yuan and 8.36 yuan per 500 grams, respectively. Compared to the previous month, prices rose by 1.25%, 10.16% and 4.37% respectively. It was up 1.39 percent, 8.86 percent and 13.28 percent from the same period last year.

The price of eggs fell, and the price of crucian carp in aquatic products rose

The average price of eggs is 3.19 yuan per 500g, down 16.71% compared with the price of last month; The price is down 22.00% compared to the same period last year.

The average price of carp and crucian carp was 7.56 yuan and 10.88 yuan per 500 grams, respectively. Compared with the previous month, the price of carp was down 7.35% and that of crucian carp was up 9.46%; Compared to the same period last year, the price increased by 3.42 percent and 34.49 percent respectively.

Vegetable prices are generally rising

Fifteen vegetables monitored this month: The average price of celery, cabbage, rape, cucumber, radish, eggplant, tomato, potato, carrot, green pepper, sharp pepper, cabbage, beans, garlic moss, leek is 3.71 yuan, 2.11 yuan, 3.61 yuan, 5.66 yuan, 2.19 yuan, 4.40 yuan, 4.44 yuan, 1.62 yuan, 2.47 yuan, 5.12 yuan, 4 yuan per 500 grams respectively. 55 yuan, 1.89 yuan, 5.82 yuan, 6.38 yuan, 6.29 yuan, compared with the previous month, the price of potatoes decreased by 1.82%, the other 14 kinds of vegetable prices rose, with an average increase of 28.83%, of which cucumber rose the most, reaching 98.60%; Compared with the same period last year, the price of rape fell by 4.5%, and the remaining 14 kinds of vegetables rose, with an average increase of 28.06%, of which celery rose the most, reaching 53.31%.

Fruit prices rise with holiday demand

The prices of oranges, apples, bananas and watermelons were 4.45 yuan, 4.09 yuan, 3.43 yuan and 5.49 yuan per 500 grams, respectively, which increased by 0.91%, 5.68%, 4.89% and 51.24% compared with last month's prices. Compared with the same period last year, the prices of apples and watermelons increased by 2.00% and 46.40% respectively, while the prices of oranges and bananas decreased by 7.68% and 6.03% respectively.

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