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supply side reform

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"Both internal and external repair" to tackle supply-side reform

Fuzhou, Fujian province, clearly put forward the supply side structural reform as an important starting point of reform and opening up, and strive to make breakthroughs. What will Fuzhou's supply-side reform focus on? How real
2016-03-12 08:33 Categories:supply side reform

We will advance supply-side reform in three aspects

At this year's National Two sessions, supply-side structural reform has become a hot topic for members and representatives. How to promote supply-side reform from practice and find new potential to enhance economic growth? remember
2016-03-12 08:33 Categories:supply side reform

Representative Du Jiahao talks about supply-side reform

Du Jiahao, Governor of Hunan Province, on behalf of the supply side reform five idioms to promote the implementation of a few days ago, on the Hunan delegation Open Day, Du Jiahao, deputy secretary of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee and governor, represented
2016-03-12 08:32 Categories:supply side reform

We will rely on supply-side reform to build sustained growth momentum

At the opening day of the Fujian delegation of the National People's Congress on March 6, You Quan, a deputy to the National People's Congress and secretary of the Fujian Provincial Party Committee, said that many Chinese tourists went to Japan to buy toilet seats, but in fact, Quanzhou enterprises produced them
2016-03-12 08:31 Categories:supply side reform

PinnedWhat is supply-side structural reform?

Supply-side structural reform is to proceed from improving the quality of supply, promote structural adjustment through reform, correct distortions in the allocation of factors of production, expand effective supply, and increase the supply structure's impact on demand
2016-03-12 08:28 Categories:supply side reform

The silhouette of Chengdu in supply-side reform

This spring, the big is intensive to Rong: on April 11, Chengdu Aviation Science, Technology and Culture Expo Center project was launched, with a total investment of more than 10 billion yuan; April 12, Chengdu and Air China
2024-06-17 02:51 Categories:supply side reform

习近平:推进供给侧改革 不断扩大中等收入群体

At present, there are cyclical and quantitative problems in China's economic development, but structural problems are the most acute
2024-06-17 02:51 Categories:supply side reform

People's Daily: The prospect of supply-side structural reform is promising

Since the Central Economic Work Conference proposed to promote supply-side structural reform at the end of last year, this reform has attracted continuous attention from all walks of life, especially from economic theorists and practical workers
2024-06-17 02:51 Categories:supply side reform


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