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    • Brand name: oppo mobile phone
    • Company name: Jilin Manufacturing
    • Release date: 2015-08-20
    • Official homepage: No
    • Location: Siping City
    • Number of comments: 0
    • Views: 1244
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    oppo mobile phone

    放大字体  缩小字体 2015-08-20 1244
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    April 24, 2015 - A new set of confusing spy photos of OPPO R7 was revealed yesterday, and it appears to be more authentic than the previous ultra-thin, borderless concept images. It looks thin, but it's not super thin; Seemingly no border does not exist, but it achieves a narrow border. When domestic technology is not strong enough to mature to ultra-thin and endurance, borderless and misoperation, do a good job of products, duty sincere may be the current should pay attention to. ...
    From the newly exposed OPPO R7 spy photos, the all-metal fuselage design on the back seems to have continued, and the seemingly unreasonable design may become so easy in the face of OPPO who dares to innovate boldly. For example, the electric rotating camera of OPPO N3 and the blue diamond streamer mirror of OPPO R1C have changed many people from doubt to support. The new OPPO R7 is suspected not only to have a hot gold fuselage, but another OPPO green makes the fuselage more colorful, but the acceptance of this color by consumers, I do not know whether OPPO has done a user survey, brave and risky, whether there are other colors is still a question, worth looking forward to.
    The OPPO R7's colorful body is highly anticipated
    The OPPO R7's colorful body is highly anticipated
    OPPO R7 home button for Lenovo
    OPPO R7 home button for Lenovo
    In addition, it is worth noting that OPPO's usual virtual keys will be cancelled, but the Home key will be added in front of it, which is revealed to be related to OPPO R7's increase in fingerprint recognition. Seeing the thorns in the road of domestic mobile phone manufacturers, OPPO, which has always been at the forefront, seems not to be left behind, this OPPO R7 seems to have abandoned the oval fingerpressure fingerprint recognition technology used behind OPPO N3, but the fingerprint recognition is applied to the front home button, that is, similar to Samsung's friction fingerprint recognition technology. Could be a compromise for the all-in-one metal body on the back. However, Samsung note4 friction fingerprint recognition technology has a slow response and poor experience, and I do not know whether OPPO can optimize and break, abandon the shushi head, and do a good job of the product.
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