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Keep getting offers

I keep getting unsolicited offers on items I'm not even watching, Some all i did was look at it, but i didn't put it on a watch list & others i have no idea whatsover! , Strange?

I decided to risk a defect.

It's pretty much never a good idea to escalate an INAD return to a case as a seller. However I wanted to see what would happen by being totally honest. When the buyer sends an item back you are given 2 days to inspect. So I did that just that inspect...

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Confusion between promoted listings cost

The language they use is no doubt meant to be confusing. I tried out the promoted listing fees at suggested rates of 10%/12%, but have seen no sales. I see one "campaign" has racked up $540 in ad costs. What if I cancel those listings, am I on the ho...

Duplicate Customer Info for Multiple Buyers

I had 2 orders (separate listings) days apart from 2 different buyers. Lets call them Buyer "A" and Buyer "B". Both orders were shipped (separate packages) using labels purchased on eBay . Buyer A received not only their item , but also received Buye...

Do lowball offers ever bother you?

I know the solution is "don't let it bother you", but it's not the offer itself that bugs me. It's the fact that people treat eBay like some kind of garage sale where we are really desperate to "get rid of our stuff" and they can "take it off our han...

User avatar by Von Rockstar
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  • 4 helpful


eBay is holding my payouts and it says I have no upcoming payout I don't understand why I started selling September 1st and it's now September 22nd I'm confused then on top it says I have open issues but in my messages and email I see no issue ever b...

User avatar by Von Enthusiast
  • 9 replies
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