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The revolution of China's wine market becomes unstoppable
Herkunft:   2024-04-16 11:06 Autor Von

The Chinese wine market really needs a huge change, change the traditional thinking, only understand the market, in order to achieve real success.

The first reform is the change of market share, there is a huge gap between domestic wine and imported wine, after the reform, the competitiveness of domestic wine began to improve, and foreign wine is also the survival of the fittest, forming a strong competitive ability.

The next reform is the price of alcohol. Expensive wines may find less and less audience in the market, and the share of cost-effective wines in the market is gradually increasing. Because after the decline in demand caused by the epidemic, people will pay more attention to the drinking value of wine itself, rather than the investment value. When the market returns to rationality, wine with medium price or certain quality will become the mainstream, while low-price wine and sky-high wine will slowly fade out of the market.

The last reform is the marketing channel and model, Internet marketing will be the key competitive market of wine in the future, but offline marketing will still maintain a strong momentum. In addition, various B2B and B2C models will gradually gain a foothold in the market, and new concepts such as live streaming and private domain marketing will be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The trend of customer segmentation, personalization and stickiness will bring greater challenges to wine companies and vintners. Only those who are well prepared can gain market opportunities, rather than be eliminated by the market.

Reform is not a revolution, it can not be achieved overnight, but the most important thing is to do internal work, and to double the force on products and channels. High-quality products and perfect service system, so that the brand in the market to forge ahead.

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