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Siping Tongcheng Xinyuan Aluminum Co., LTD

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Type of enterprise: (Manufacturer) [not verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: aluminum-plastic composite doors and Windows, new environmental protection doors and Windows

Company Address:

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Siping North Cement Co., LTD

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Type of enterprise: (Manufacturer) [not verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: General cement manufacturing; Waste heat power generation; Slag powder production

Company Address:

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Jilin Province Bailong crafts Co., LTD

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Type of business: (Manufacturer, Trader) [Verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: Focus on wooden crafts, home accessories and tourist souvenirs research, development, production, import and export enterprises

Company Address:

Jilin Jinard electronic control equipment manufacturing Co., LTD

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Business Type: [Verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: electronic control equipment, instrument, instrument manufacturing, sales, mechanical equipment, electronic equipment, building materials, hardware sales, automation engineering construction.

Company Address:

Jilin Zhongxin furniture Co., LTD

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Type of Enterprise: (Manufacturer, Trader) [unverified]

Contact information:

Business scope: Production of high-grade wooden doors, hotel furniture, office furniture set professional design, production, sales

Company Address:

Jilin Far East Zhenyun Plastic industry Co., LTD

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Type of Enterprise: (Manufacturer) [Verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: Production and sales of polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) (PVC-M) water supply and drainage pipe, pipe fittings, PVC water supply and drainage pipe special glue; (PVC-C) high voltage power cable protection sleeve, pipe pillow; Polyethylene (PE) (HDPE) (LDPE) (PERT), polypropylene (PP) (PPR), corrugated pipe (PVC) (PE), steel belt reinforced spiral polyethylene pipe, steel skeleton plastic composite pipe and other resin plastic pipes, pipe fittings, water supply equipment, drip irrigation pipe, drip irrigation belt, spray irrigation pipe, micro-spray belt, plastic hose (Plastic-coated hose), water pump, radio frequency, IC card controller, starter, filter, fertilizer tank, PVC, PE, cast iron water hydrant, water-saving irrigation equipment; Rural water supply, municipal construction, water investment, landscaping

Company Address:

Lishu County Guojiadian town Deyuan wood processing plant

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Type of Enterprise: [not verified]

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Business scope: Integrated wood, wood square

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Lishu county Wanfa wood manufacturing products farm

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Business Type: [Verified]

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Business scope: Furniture decoration housing goods packaging

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Siping Yangzi floor flagship store

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Type of business: (Trader) [not verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: Huaxia wooden doors, the main products of indoor doors

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Siping City square yuan Hengye Co., LTD

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Type of enterprise: (Manufacturer) [not verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: With a number of automatic CNC medium and high pressure sand pipe winding production line, large storage tank field winding production line, container winding production line, etc. Can produce a series of pipes within DN4000mm, high temperature resistant pipes. A series of containers with a diameter of less than 10000mm and a variety of FRP molding equipment.

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Siping Guangsha construction and installation engineering Co., LTD

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Type of Enterprise: [not verified]

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Business scope: Building materials

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Siping Yongbecause greenhouses homemade factory

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Type of Enterprise: [not verified]

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Business scope: Greenhouses

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Xinyuan Cement Co. LTD

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Type of Enterprise: [not verified]

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Scope of business: slag Portland cement

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Siping Shunda construction and installation Co., LTD

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Type of Enterprise: [not verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: Construction and installation engineering

Company Address:

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It is recommended that you confirm the final price by calling the manufacturer's contact information, and ask for samples to confirm the product quality. If the quotation is too low, it may be false information, please confirm the authenticity of the quotation and beware of being cheated.
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