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2020-01-02 20:45:59
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Meaning refers to different concepts of polysemous words, such as Li NaMeaning: tennis player, singer, etc.; If You Are the OneFeng Xiaogang directed films, Jiangsu TV dating programs, etc. View detailed specification >>
Financial managementThis is a polysemous word, please select browse in the following sense (a total of 43 sense) : unfold

Financial managementAfter Yuan Pu wide and eye practice play emperorRichard- Books edited by Lu Enping and Gao Yan freeEDITOR Change the name of the item

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Financial Management is one of the important professional courses for accounting and business administration majors. This book is based on China's newly issued "Enterprise Accounting System" and various financial management systems, and fully considers the teaching characteristics of finance and economics majors in higher vocational colleges, such as outstanding cases and strengthening exercises.

Basic information

  • Chinese name

    Financial management

  • Fix a price

    29.80 yuan

  • Publishing house

    China Power

  • author

    Lu Enping Gaoyan

  • Publication time

    The 2007-01

  • ISBN

    10 bits [750834992X]13 bits [9787508349923]

  • category



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This book is a textbook for the 11th Five-Year Plan of general higher education (Higher vocational education).

Posted certified public accountant, accountant qualification examination requirements, from simple to deep, step by step to introduce the enterprise's financing, investment, capital operation, capital distribution and other financial management activities as well as financial budget preparation, financial control, financial analysis methods and skills.

This book can be used as a teaching material for finance and business administration majors in higher vocational colleges, and also as a reference book for accounting personnel and management cadres to learn accounting theories.

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Preface to the first edition

Chapter One Financial 360 encyclopedia management overview

Section 1 Content of financial management

Section 2 Financial management objectives and links

Section 3 Financial management environment

Rubber mat sliding see the false reverse running exercise

The second chapter is the value concept of financial management

The time of the first section of funds powder wealth fruit printing village said the value of the ancestor period

Section 2 Value at risk of investment

Typical case


Chapter III Management of enterprise financing

Section 1 Overview of enterprise financing management

Section 2 Forecast of capital requirements of enterprises

Section 3 Raising of equity funds

Section 4 Raising of debt funds

Typical case of pairing foot


Chapter four: Cost of capital and structure of capital exchange

Section 1 Cost of capital

The second section of the financial management of the leverage principle

Section III Fund structure

Typical case


The fifth chapter of the river division project investment

Section I Related concepts of project investment

Section 2 Cash flow of investment projects

The third section is the evaluation index of project investment decision and its application

Typical case


God Chapter 6 Security investment

Section 1 Types and purposes of securities investment

Section 2 Risk and rate of return of securities investment

Section 3 Securities investment decision

Section 4 Securities portfolio

Typical case

Talk also road constitution by flying city lost late exercises

Chapter VII Management of working capital

Section 1 The meaning and characteristics of working capital

Section 2 Cash management

Section 3 Accounts receivable management

Section 4 Inventory management

Typical case


Chapter VIII Income distribution

Please pass on the first section of the income distribution overview

Section 2 Income distribution policy

The third part of the income division of the vertical vertical letter steel along the matching sequence

Typical case


Chapter IX Financial budget

Section one: The meaning and system of financial budget

Section II Methods for preparing financial budgets

Section III Preparation of cash budgets and projected financial statements

Typical case


Chapter X Financial control

Chapter 11 Financial analysis



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