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    • Brand name: BMW
    • Company name: Jilin Manufacturing cross-border e-commerce platform
    • Release Date: 2013-04-27
    • Official homepage: No
    • Location: Asia - Japan
    • Number of comments: 0
    • Views: 16365
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    BMW i Series, a new sub-brand of BMW
    After Rolls-Royce and MINI, BMW has launched a new sub-brand BMW i series [2] Represents new energy vehicles and a new generation of mobility solutions, and is committed to the field of hybrid, extended-range electric vehicles and plug-in electric vehicles.
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    BMW launched its new sub-brand BMW i Series

    This is also a further extension of the 2007 BMW i program. BMW i, a brand new sub-brand of BMW, may be unfamiliar to car fans in China. Just like what is shown in the picture above, it is BMW i that has a blue halo outside the BMW blue sky and white cloud logo.
    The BMW i series will retain the important features of BMW products, for example, they will be rear-wheel drive and have important driving pleasure. The i3 and i8, both based on the "LifeDrive architecture" with a pure aluminum chassis and CFRP passenger compartment, will be produced at the Leipzig plant, where the i3 is the much-publicized MegaCITY pure electric ultra-large city car. The i8 will be a production version of the just-announced Vision EfficientDynamics concept car. Recently, media friends from Europe took photos of the i3 and i8 camouflage cars that are undergoing road tests, and we will share them together below.
    In terms of power, the i3 will be equipped with a similar electric system to the 1 series ActiveE, which is composed of 170 horsepower electric motor and lithium iron battery pack, with a range of 160km. Other versions of the i3 are also under development (including extended-range electric vehicles). The i8 will have a hybrid system, most likely a combination of the upcoming 1.5-litre 3-cylinder petrol engine and the i3's electric motor. In addition, the new cars' blue grille bezels, aerodynamic side skirt panels, streamlined C-pillars and large, narrow wheels all differ significantly from other BMW models.
    In addition to plug-in hybrid technology and pure electric technology, the BMW i brand will also emphasize a range of personalized services, many of which are enjoyed by this sub-brand. To this end, BMW will also establish an asset investment company in North America to focus on building intelligent communication applications, such as providing real-time road traffic, parking and local entertainment information.
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