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Use the Internet to transform manufacturing into "smart manufacturing industry"

[Print] 2017-02-16 Validity: Unlimited to unlimited 221
A new industrial revolution is upon us.
At present, the integrated development of the new generation of information and communication technology represented by the Internet and the manufacturing industry is an important feature of the new round of global scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, and is also the main battlefield of manufacturing competition. Technological change, industrial integration, and enterprise innovation are forming "three major opportunities", new economic forms such as cloud economy, sharing economy, and community economy are booming, miniaturization, personalization, and specialization have become the trend, and new growth drivers are accelerating, creating a "window of opportunity" for manufacturing innovation and development, integrated development, and bending beyond.
At the same time, with the strong support of national policies for the integration of manufacturing and the Internet, the "double creation" boom of large enterprises has emerged, the innovation of the integration model of manufacturing and the Internet has continued, the prototype of the sharing factory has emerged, the industrial big data analysis platform is becoming the layout direction of leading enterprises, and the construction of the "new four bases" of industry has accelerated.
So, how do we view the role of "Internet plus" in promoting the transformation of the manufacturing industry? At present, the world's industrial developed countries are using a new round of information technology to achieve industrial change. Germany's Industry 4.0, the United States' advanced manufacturing national strategic plan, Japan's revitalization of strategic manufacturing, etc., are all strategies proposed by industrial developed countries to seize the new wave of industrial revolution and achieve industrial upgrading again.
Facing the development trend of the new round of industrial revolution, China has put forward the strategy of deep integration of the two with intelligent manufacturing as the core. This means that in the future for a long time, China's manufacturing industry will go down the road of intelligent manufacturing, strengthen the industrial base, achieve intelligent transformation, develop green manufacturing, and achieve industrial innovation, which is the ultimate goal of intelligent manufacturing.
Of course, the manufacturing industry to embrace the Internet, relying on the unilateral efforts of manufacturing companies is far from enough, enterprises can not only behind closed doors, to put aside the past glorious history of manufacturing, open arms, to meet new technologies, new talents, seeking innovative cooperation, in the Internet this massive data gold mine, looking for a suitable for their own development of the Internet road.
Not only enterprises, but also the government should actively introduce relevant encouragement policies to help the manufacturing industry to revive, so that the fundamental use of the Internet in the country in the stable development without losing the essence, solid foundation. Although, like any other industry, the road to the Internet of manufacturing may be long and difficult, as long as the government, enterprises and various organizations play their roles and interact with each other, the prospect of transforming the manufacturing industry into "intelligent manufacturing industry" is promising.

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