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The "1+X" plan will boost the development of manufacturing

[Print] 2017-02-17 Validity: Unlimited to unlimited 267
A few days ago, the website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology showed that the "Made in China 2025" "1+X" planning system has been released. The industry believes that the promulgation and implementation of the planning system will further clarify the goals and paths of the development of China's manufacturing industry, and promote China's manufacturing industry to embark on the track of healthy and rapid development.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology pointed out that "1" refers to "Made in China 2025", "X" refers to 11 supporting implementation guidelines, action guidelines and development planning guidelines, including the national manufacturing innovation center construction, industrial strong base, intelligent manufacturing, green manufacturing, high-end equipment innovation five projects implementation guidelines, the development of service-oriented manufacturing and equipment manufacturing quality brand two special action guidelines. And four development planning guidelines for new materials, information industry, pharmaceutical industry and manufacturing talents.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said that the purpose of preparing the "1+X" planning system is to strengthen government guidance, gather industry consensus, gather social resources, focus on the focus, crack the difficulties, and strive to break through the bottleneck of the development of the manufacturing industry, and seize the commanding heights of future competition. The formulation of the five project implementation guidelines is the specific implementation of the five major projects of "Made in China 2025", and defines the goals, tasks and means of project implementation. Among them, industrial strong base engineering mainly solves the engineering and industrialization bottleneck problems of core basic parts, key basic materials and advanced basic processes; Intelligent manufacturing engineering takes the popularization of digital manufacturing and intelligent manufacturing demonstration as the starting point to promote the intelligent transformation of manufacturing industry and promote the industry to the middle and high-end; The high-end equipment innovation project focuses on breaking through the industrial application of a number of major equipment, and provides advanced production tools for upgrading various industries.

In the two special action guidelines, the promotion of quality brand promotion of equipment manufacturing industry focuses on creating a new competitive advantage of manufacturing industry based on quality and safety, high-quality products as the core, and international brands as the symbol; The development of service-oriented manufacturing action aims to foster a new ecology of integrated development by accelerating service model innovation, technological innovation and management innovation of manufacturing enterprises.

Industry insiders believe that the relevant state departments continue to introduce the supporting policies and measures of "Made in China 2025", which will stimulate and regulate the development of the industry, further boost industry confidence, and bring major benefits to the development of manufacturing and related industries.

Compared with advanced countries, China's manufacturing industry, especially high-end equipment manufacturing industry, still has a large gap in the overall level and international competitiveness, such as weak independent innovation ability, key materials, core components are subject to people, brand and service system construction lag and other factors have been restricting the development of China's manufacturing industry.

Huaxin Securities believes that the "Made in China 2025" five major projects implementation guide further detailed the specific goals and paths of the five major projects, is expected to promote China's equipment manufacturing industry to form an industry consensus, gather social resources, break through the bottleneck and shortcomings of the development of manufacturing industry, and point out the direction for long-term investment in equipment manufacturing industry.

In fact, since the implementation of "Made in China 2025", in the fields of large passenger aircraft, high-speed gantry five-axis machining centers, high-speed rail transit equipment, a number of major technical equipment has been successfully developed and rapid development, which has promoted the technological upgrading of China's manufacturing industry. Some institutions are optimistic about manufacturing segments, such as paying attention to investment opportunities in sub-sectors with clear business models and large market space in intelligent manufacturing, rail transit and other fields, and are optimistic about leading companies in related industries with significant technological competitive advantages (iKI, net worth, information).

Ping An Securities is optimistic about the long-term prospects of high-end manufacturing industry, that the "Made in China 2025" related planning will promote consumption upgrading, with the consumer market to expand to the high-end guide to drive equipment manufacturing enterprises to take the initiative to improve the performance, function and process level of equipment products, and promote the upgrading of the whole industrial chain of Chinese manufacturing.
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