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Gree Electric semi-annual report released a big drop in nearly 10 years

   2015-09-01 332 0
The 2015 semi-annual report of Gree Electric Appliances released on the evening of August 30 has made many people a black: total revenue has hit the largest decline in Gree's nearly 10 years. This is the eve of Gree's transformation
  The 2015 semi-annual report of Gree Electric Appliances announced on the evening of August 30 has made many people a black: total revenue has set a sharp decline in Gree in the past 10 years. This is a small "pain" on the eve of Gree's transformation, or Gree air conditioner The business hit the ceiling of market growth, or the Chinese air conditioning industry Bitter winter An all-out attack? Sincerely hope this is just a "beautiful misunderstanding".

Can't you steal a chicken? See the Gree Electric 2015 semi-annual report released today, this may be many people's inner thoughts.

Because, the poor performance in the first half of this year, Gree Electric Appliances has fallen for the first time in nearly 10 years. Previously, Gree has repeatedly launched a 20-year price war to clean up the market.

Yes, Gree Electric Appliances 2015 half annual report shows: operating income fell 13.4%, the biggest decline in the three big white electricity giants (Midea increased 6.7%); Net profit rose 0.05% year on year, the least among the three big white electricity giants (Midea up 25.93%, Haier up 2%).

Of course, the revenue decline is large, which has caused a big decline in Gree Electric Appliances' total revenue in the past 10 years. And the profit growth is small, it is not in line with Gree Electric Appliances has always been the market operation style. Behind this poor market performance, is it just a "small pain" in the transformation of Gree Electric Appliances in the Internet era, or reflects that the main business operation of the enterprise has hit the ceiling in recent years, and the prospect is confused?

At present, it is obviously difficult for the outside world to understand and grasp the true situation of Gree electric device market operation. Do not know, Dong Mingzhu how to comment on the revenue performance of Gree Electric Appliances in the first half of 2015. However, at least this shows that the air conditioning price war started by Gree air conditioning in September last year did not give Gree air conditioning business a new impetus for large-scale growth, but suffered a double loss of revenue and profit.

Perhaps, due to the impact of a sharp decline in performance in the first half of the year, Gree Electric Appliances 2016 cold opening time was directly pushed back from August to September, in the United States, Haier, Hisense, Oakes and other air conditioning companies have opened to grab businesses, the background of the machine. This move of Gree Electric Appliances "delayed opening", once made many Gree dealers speculate that this is Gree Electric Appliances chief Dong Mingzhu in "hold big move", and then kill a peer "back shot".

At present, with the unveiling of the semi-annual report of Gree Electric Appliances, which saw a sharp decline in the performance of the whole first half of the year, some Gree air conditioning dealers began to reflect, this may not be a strategic "post-strike", should still exist in Gree Electric Appliances inventory pressure is too large, especially the business inventory is too large. Even if Gree opens on schedule, it may not be possible to detonate. Therefore, delaying one month is both to give yourself the opportunity, but also to give business space.

However, what many people can't think is that in the first half of this year, Gree Electric Appliances' retail volume in the domestic air conditioning market, as well as the retail share, is actually a "bucking the trend." So why the performance of Gree Electric Appliances has declined significantly. Obviously, behind the growth of Gree's market share and the year-on-year decline in market revenue, it is Gree's price war that inhibits revenue growth.

In fact, the price war of Gree Electric Appliances since last year has comprehensively overdrawn the overall revenue scale of the enterprise. Although sales are up, sales are down. Especially in the last year, the overall performance of Gree Electric Appliances has achieved the target of 140 billion expected, it has released the decline of corporate growth.

In this way, to recognize the truth and nature of the sharp decline in the performance of air conditioning Gree Electric Appliances in the first half of the year, for all domestic air conditioning companies, we must be more clear and sober to realize that the air conditioning market in the second half of the year or even next year is not optimistic, in addition to continuing to seize large enterprises, big brands, but also to take a more proactive attitude to seize the market. This is because even a large company can make mistakes and lose opportunities in the ever-changing market competition.

So, the sharp decline in the first half of this year, will affect the growth of Gree air conditioning business throughout the year? Does this mean that Gree Electric Appliances, which has "created one myth after another" in the Chinese home appliance market, will step down from the altar and restore its original business appearance? The answer will take time to reveal!

However, all manufacturers and businesses can not give up the confidence, enthusiasm and pursuit of the future development of China's air conditioning industry. After all, Gree is just Gree, and does not represent the entire air conditioning industry.

(Responsible editor: Xiaobian)
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