Welcome to the eBay Seller Centre

Find the information and inspiration you need to start selling and grow your business on eBay. It’s all here in the eBay Seller Centre.

How to start selling on eBay

If you are an individual seller getting started, click here.

If you are a business seller, click here.

Why start selling on eBay

Discover why you should sell on eBay.

Woman looking at a laptop

Summer Seller Update 2024

man looking at laptop

Grow your business internationally

eBay provides access to over 133M active buyers in 190 markets around the world. Learn more about expanding your business abroad.

Person holding a box with the eBay logo

How shipping works on eBay

Learn how to ship your packages, print your shipping labels and handle returns.

woman packing a box

Expedited Lite

A new shipping service for eBay sellers.

Magic cards on eBay

Promoted Listings will help you increase your chances of making a sale by placing your listings in prominent places across eBay.

A screenshot of promoted listings

Trending topics

How to sell on eBay

From listing to getting paid—learn the selling skills to help you sell and earn more.

Learn how to sell

Choose the combination that fits your business.

Know your options

Choose the shipping option that fits your business.

Learn what buyers want, what it’s worth or what sells at a premium.

Explore what’s selling

Getting paid is predictable, flexible, and convenient. When items sell, we send your payouts directly to your bank account.

Learn more

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eBay for Business Podcast

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Did you know?

The number of active eBay buyers worldwide


Marketplace GMV in Q2 2023

18.2 B

Percentage of Canadian small businesses on eBay that export
